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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. lana really should cover white room by cream on BB
  2. what if lana delayed the album on purpose because she's planning a completely random surprise drop later this year, and that's why we got a TBD which is "to be determined" instead of TBA, which is to be announced
  3. Y'all I have Pramount+ so i can watch Seasons 1-11 and All Stars all seasons I think but I can't watch anything past RPDR Season 11. Anyone know where I can watch season 12-13? Also, what about the other Drag Races from other countries like UK, Canada, etc?
  4. I've asked mods/Elle about this before and I believe after it expires it doesn't matter anymore but it is still there for whatever reason? Idk, I'd like to see mine drop off after a while too but it kind of just is what it is unfortunately
  5. okay when someone meets her can they ask about the album? like what's the new title, will it stay Bb, will jack be (confirmed) off the album now.... ugh the questions i would ask
  6. Wildflowers, plants, grass can all burn. So she's saying she won't catch flame and become the fire that she knows the world can be and is burning at the same time. Basically in other words "I'm not gonna burn you like others have done me" is what she's saying, but she'll be like a wildflower, she'll basically be wild and free while staying pretty and sweet and fragrant, like a wildflower. Honestly i think the lyrics fit better on NFR, with the cover since Cali was burning then. "I wouldn't know what hot fire was" and "I wouldn't know how cruel the world was" plays into those lyrics too, kind of giving the explanation for those lines. Especially when she talks about her mom, which is a sort of burned bridge, which her dad also burned her too, meaning hurt her because he wouldn't "step in when his wife would rage at me". The wildflower part makes sense because she says "I'll be like gardenias wild at your feet" and "I ended up awkward but sweet" which flowers can be fragrant and smell kind of sweet
  7. i'm 99% sure the tweet is fake. she's not working on collaborations for future albums when she's working on redoing an entire album that was due out this week that was delayed. that makes no sense. now, she could be talking to people about it, but that tweet is 100000% bullshit. can promise you, it's bullshit. not because i don't want it, but because she is working on what she's working on currently, which is a scrapping and redo of the album. the next album? it'll probably be worked on in the 2 months before this album drops. she doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so i won't be surprised if she continues tradition by announcing another album after blue banisters is out (if not the day before or same day, she does it every time). but currently working on the next album after BB? hunty what drugs are you smoking to come up with that
  8. Okay but I feel like this can only be good news. Maybe she's not ready for live shows because she's working on her album and doesn't want to do anything live until it's out? so maybe october/november for LDR8? also, this could mean she's going to end up doing her own live concert live stream thing? hmm
  9. you mean they actually tore his ego down? lol he literally has an insta called "planet eclipse" and apparently a paid discord? lmao idk.... that's neither here nor there. at least BOZ will spill what he knows without giving away too much. we know more about this era from him than lana herself and more from boz than eclipse
  10. This is actually super cool that they’re doing a discount code for LB. We stan I feel even more likely that Lana herself has an account here lol
  11. thank you! i was lost on another note, i hope we eventually get the songs that were scrapped so we can make a Rock Candy Sweet album and we'll have 2 versions of LDR8. or the album name could change and we could call that Blue Banisters
  12. y'all i fucking love the lyricism in the clip she posted. it's so sexy but so sweet like.... ugh holy shit, we could be getting UV/Honeymoon level lyrics again and the thot of that just sounds so nice
  13. she looked so sexy in that video she posted and the lyrics and written so well. holy fuck y'all.... her revenge era post jack antonoff is cominggggg
  14. I'm just glad we got a TBD and not a "AUGUST 16 :)" and then we wait again another month and a half to hear it's been delayed again
  15. My body is a map of LA I stand straight like an angel With a halo Hangin' at the Hilton Hotel, windows screaming? Baby let's go My chest the sierra ? My hips they be high--? with the way That you trace with your fingertips Like a Toyota Run your hands over me like a Land Rover
  16. album cover on insta, still called Blue Banisters
  17. the lyrics she changed are from version 3 i believe? we have the changed lyrics on one of the versions we have which i believe boz, but is hard to believe she scrapped jack's tracks and the album will sound like what we know will be on it. thunder, CB, and the three singles dont make sense to me at all. it's very confusing. unless this will be a two part album with 15-20 tracks maybe
  18. see my latest post on this-- it's not so much that the songs are what we already have but the fact that it took considerably less time to make a final version of those songs than it takes other, new songs which she's scrapping and replacing with other new songs.... and also the fact she's delaying it by changing the tracklist to add random new tracks which delays the album. idk i hope this album turns out to have like 15-20 tracks.
  19. honestly when she starts putting random unreleased tracks on albums, that's when we need to worry bc we know she has absolutely no direction. to me though, it wouldn't shock me if she had cherry blossom on it for a while, i think she made a post this year with the lyrics on insta so that's not a shock but yikes. i hope by the time we get the album it makes sense all the way through
  20. realistically for me, it's not so much that the album is delayed, but the fact that she's putting unreleased songs on it that might not even need to be re-recorded or reworked which is why it's delayed. it could be takes we already have so that makes the production time considerably lower.... and makes the delay almost non-reasonable.
  21. i love how boz tried to make those cherry blossom lyrics a tease on atrl lmaoo anyways.... at this point i hope the three singles aren't on the album and are scrapped. they're good but if we're getting a FOURTH version of cherry blossom.... yikes. that's 5 songs we already have. at least just give us something more fun like a mastered version of Us Against The World or Serial Killer or a studio cover of Heart Shaped Box or Do Right
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