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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i hope there's a random beat drop in the middle of the song lol
  2. i hate the name wildflower wildfire it doesn't roll off the tongue at all wtf
  3. someone should send him stems to get him to rework songs we have already
  4. its also interesting bc mike said "we haven't finished anything yet" and here we are getting a release from him as producer on the album what, a week or two later?
  5. bc venice bitch and mac i'm not manifesting it but.... lol
  6. do yall think she's doing a triple release because it's gonna get delayed like the NFR situation? or she's doing the single releases before dropping the album
  7. ben prolly saw it and came for his ass hahaha it was all over twitter and people deleted tweets about it too doesn't mean anything, maybe that he has to be quiet about it
  8. same i'm supposed to be studying for a state/government regulated test and i can't fucking do it now lol
  9. honestly i'm starting from AKA lol just to prepare, like i did in march before COCC came out hahaha
  10. y'all we need to stream the fuck out of COCC before the new era starts this week
  11. lmaoooo thank you. i don't keep up with them and then i just randomly see details in here when people talk about it and then i'm lost hahaha
  12. 83 members and not even half of them are posting
  13. we won girlies we won @Jack Antonoff is a God your god has fallen to normie status again where he belongs
  14. if we get any old songs on this album from before i want Us Against The World 2021 edition, i still love the lyrics "if you wanna cola, i can make it colder, if you want a bad girl, nobody's bolder and if you want the queen of NY THEN YOU BETTER CALL MEEEEE CALLLL MEEEEEEE" ugh i need that iconic lyricism back on this album.
  15. y'all realize this means we're gonna have the title track before the album? and it's in may. she might actually post the album preorder soon then again.... she might not.... but she might if we get the title track first off like this. i won't care if she delays to august or september if she announces it with the album cover tracklist and preorder link or something. i don't even care YALL WE WONT HAVE TO SIT AROUND THINKING ABOUT WHAT THE REST OF THE BLUE BANISTERS LYRICS ARE ANYMORE i keep singing "blue banisters just for you" even though i know that's not the lyrics bc id like to think she says that in another part of the song but i have no fucking idea. UGHHHHHHH i'm red TEA
  16. y'all what if we get like an album with 14-16 tracks holy fuckkkkk and we are only about to get a taste of 3 tracks fuck me upppppp omg i'm so fuckin hyped
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