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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. this was what i hated so much-- LQ potato snippets of NFR was going around and people wouldn't shut the hell up about it
  2. okay so can we leave the word "delulu" in this thread? no more "delulu" in the next album prerelease PLEASE ugh i hate it lol
  3. every time i see "directed by brthr" at the end of the COCC video I read "birth" lol also, has anyone made a HQ version of COCC with the intro and outro from the video but without the weird twisty sound in the middle?
  4. honestly just wondering if any physical versions will sound different from the digital versions of the album (Fuck It style lol)
  5. Banned for not taking geography class
  6. Okay so does someone wanna set up a US listening party somehow? Idk how we can do that. Maybe we can have a thread for it in the Games section? We all wanna give mom her streams so like we'll all go on Apple Music and Spotify at the same time and start the album at the same time and listen together. Can we do this pleeeeeeeasseeeee? i feel like asking for a LB worldwide listening party would be awful bc we'd have some people having to wait for us the in US and i think we should have different listening parties scheduled for different regions
  7. I honestly think the song isn't coming this week, yall are just wildin. Also, the last like week or 2 yall were wanting a release date to be announced and hoping she'll announce it "in 5 minutes" or "in 25 minutes" or whatever its so useless. guys we're 3 weeks away from the album dropping we're gonna eat soon just wait until it's cooled down enough to enjoy it. if it comes this week lets just be surprised and happy regardless but if it's not don't be let down bc she didn't give us any dates for anything other than the album anyways.....
  8. eclipse said some people have it so who knows. if they're sharing it around then definitely yes
  9. banned for being one of the most active mods these days even though you've only been a mod for like 2 months or something
  10. Today's episode of Wandavision was literally EVERYTHING i loved it holy fuck
  11. well that sucked. no BOTW2 news, no acknowledgement of the Zelda 35th anniversary, we're missing Twilight Princess and Wind Waker on Switch...... kill me please
  12. country at heart? bro like you're not country at heart bro you're from new york bro and you've been living in california for a decade bro lol wtf is that caption even
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