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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. How mad would everyone be if LDR6 turns out to be a weird Ultraviolence guitar heavy sound with trap beats??
  2. The song is actually the melody from Something by The Beatles which I find really cool. You can literally sing it to her instrumental
  3. Is she coming back any time soon!?? I’d like to hear something new from her soon
  4. I wonder what sound the next one will have though. Every record has been different with small undertones from previous records... I wonder what one will she be going for, genre wise
  5. All of these look really fucking good
  6. It still underperformed. West Coast was a radio hit where? Nobody I know has ever heard it until I play it. Like I said, it’s my favorite era. Doesn’t change the numbers compared to what was expected. I’d love another Dan Auerbach produced record but idk if we’ll ever heard another one of those from her.
  7. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but AFAIK, Sirens and YLM/FTE were never released publicly but rather sent as demo tapes to people in the industry (execs, labels, etc.) I can’t remember if they were leaked in full but almost all tracks that leaked were full. Like I said, AFAIK, I could be wrong. I think YLM and FTE did miss a few tracks but at least we got full tracks lol
  8. Obviously you can’t read and there’s no point in arguing any further. If I say it any more, you still won’t understand. I’m allowed to state my opinion. You can too, just don’t be rude for no fucking reason. Have fun with your closed mind. You’ll get far with it.
  9. PWYC is one of my favorites of hers, I’d love to see her sing it live
  10. UV is my favorite Lana era (which happened to flop on the charts, itself... tbqh. Probably another reason why she skipped touring the record besides personal reasons). I would love if she collaborated with someone who’s been using rock inspired sounds in their music. He would be right for that, I would think. That’s my opinion. I’m allowed to have it and say it. You don’t have to agree but you don’t have to be rude either. He’s putting out one last album because he’s working on other projects. Star Wars, Atlanta, and Lion King are all very big projects. It’s not due to your “albums are only rated by sales!” ideals. Sorry, not everything works that way. Kesha had an AMAZING record and so did Miley Cyrus last year but both tanked on the charts too. Are they bad? Fuck no. Did they not sell the best? Well, not really, no.
  11. You can hate an album as much as you want (maybe just because I like it??? Idk whatever) but it doesn’t change the way other people see it. It’s a work of art, the way you see it is your own perspective. Call it what you want but I liked the album a lot, thank you very much. For today, we don’t have a lot of mainstream artists completely changing their sound and doing something as different as psychedelic rock inspired sounds. If you think it was non-genuine, you’re not looking close enough. Broaden your horizons and maybe you’ll appreciate different music like I appreciate his record
  12. <gif>https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7TKnYVvhjh6qk0VO/giphy.gif</gif>
  13. Can you stfu? You’re literally causing more drama. It’s annoying and Childish.
  14. I don’t follow you or your posts. I don’t care what albums you post about constantly. As if you can’t notice, I’m new here. If you know anything about psychedelic music you’d know about mellotrons and the use Lana has of them on records and Gambino used on his and their voices together on something from a mellotron or with heavy 70s era electric guitar sounds would be cool. It’s not that big of a deal get upset tho if you want I didn’t want drama lol
  15. Ur missing the point. Awaken My Love is a great record. Psychedelic rock inspired music may not be for you and that’s fine. Just don’t come at me for wanting a collab that would sound great. IN MY OPINION. As if I need to spell this out any more. You must not like Ultraviolence.
  16. thanks while I listen to quality music you can keep bopping your Cardi B trash
  17. I told my friends this about three years ago. I wanted a Lana x Stevie Nicks collab. And it happened. I wanted a Lana x Beatle collab somehow. It (sort of) happened I want now a Childish Gambino x Lana song. I could just imagine the greatness from Awaken My Love influences on a Lana record GOD I WOULD DIE. THOSE COLLABS I WANTED WERE COMPLETE REACHES AND IT HAPPENED Please Lana... come thru mom
  18. It’s in a thread... she posted it on Instagram I think or Snapchat or somewhere back in the summer but I just saw it. I’d link it but I’m on my phone and I’m lazy tbh lmao
  19. I think the Honeymoon cover is just meaning she’s watching people. That’s why it’s a tour bus. Nothing to do with her in particular, she’s just watching people on their trip in Hollywood and she’s seeing what is going on with them. That’s why every song seems like it could be from and to completely different people on every track.
  20. Just watched the video where she said she’d like to release Hollywood. Holy shit fuck me up
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