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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Honestly tho... I don’t want her to announce anymore until the album date is announced. Hearing all these tracks (and knowing some STILL may not make it on the album because she did this shit with L4L where she teased amazing shit and never released it....). It had me excited and hyped but I just don’t want to be disappointed because for all we know these are all outtakes -_-
  2. So far it’s -Mariner’s Apartment Complex -Norman Fucking Rockwell -Venice Bitch -Cinnamon (unless that’s part of another song possibly??? Idk why I’m questioning that snippet post but i am lol) -How To Disappear -Happiness Is A Butterfly Sylvia and Bartender are both kind of unknown. She mentioned Bartender but that was back in January before she announced working with Jack I think so he could’ve reworked it already. Same goes with Sylvia I think that song is older now too than this era’s writing period. Also keep in mind in her interview with Zane Lowe it kind of sounded like she wanted to release a stand alone single in October and some said it was one that would be on the record, I’ve heard if she did release one it wouldn’t be for the record, just a stand alone single by itself. That could happen where she releases HTD or HIAB by itself and leaves it off the album. We’ll see as we get closer and don’t quote me, I’m just thinking about rumors
  3. I immediately thought this too lol
  4. I still love this track so much. The jazzy live vocals make it even better on YouTube. Fuck I want some jazzy bluesy Lana after this new album lmao
  5. American Whore


    I’m still wanting to know what the fuck this was....
  6. Does she contradict herself? Very well then, she contradicts herself; she is large— she contains multitudes
  7. Oh shit hahahaha so does this confirm Art Deco as a diss track about her now finally??
  8. I really love the lyrics of HIAB. I can’t wait for this goddamn album
  9. Idk but it’s been a conversation since she released the songs and personally I’m tired of hearing “it’s folk it’s folk!” when it’s literally her trying to get a feel for a new mix to her genre crossing music. Acoustic doesn’t mean folk. Folk and acoustic aren’t interchangeable. They’re not the same at all and a lot of these people who know nothing about music theory think they just know it all lol Idk it’s just annoying when it’s her MOST experimental and psychedelic music, yet people want to not consider it what it is lmao. Just because “folk” sounds good to some doesn’t mean that’s what it is. It’s really annoying when pop stans try to talk about rock influences or “psychedelia” yet know nothing about that subgenre of rock. Or trying to give “experimental” a description. As if “experimental” means one particular sound
  10. I’ve read friends comments and thoughts and VB reminds people of The Beatles, Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, RHCP and other artists who did this same kind of sound before during their later years. Strawberry Feilds Forever was experimental at the time the Beatles were around. The melotron helped give it the sound it had, the same she used on Tomorrow Never Came and carried the melody of Something by the Beatles. She definitely would fit in an experimental or psychedelic folder right now, or at the least, Venice Bitch by itself. I agree it’s not fully psychedelic if you’re thinking about the acoustic beginning. But the acoustic guitar doesn’t make it folk. And because there is so much confusion between “is it folk? is it experimental? is it psychedelic?” helps push it into an experimental grouping. Experimental doesn’t mean any one sound. NOTHING is exactly “experimental”, but this compared to the rest of her discography is experimental. TL;DR I’m pretty sure spacy synths and the unexpected change of direction in her sound would put this track in an experimental area. Lana has a huge grey area where some tracks don’t fit a genre but I think if this one had to be one, it would make sense to throw this one there.
  11. The one thing I can complain about so far on the new tracks is I wish Jack would turn the volume of her voice up a bit, it’s almost as if the instrumental overpowers her vocals which should’ve been fixed in the mixing stage. That’s the only thing
  12. In her book, it would be experimental. She’s never done music like this and she is trying something different, pushing two genres into one song. I don’t know what else would be more experimental than this from her. Since Lady Gaga did some “country folk” record everyone seems to be a “genius” in folk or music genre determination
  13. We thought this about UV!!! And it turned out to be her best
  14. The song would be considered experimental psychedelic. The synths and guitars from about 2:00 forward (that’s almost 7 minutes) is more spacey, psychedelic in a way. The part where she sings isn’t the entire song. I really don’t know why people keep saying “folk” this isn’t folk this is experimental. An acoustic guitar doesn’t always make something folk
  15. And what if the theme of this record is about being in love with Mr Rockwell and he’s the “Serial killer”?? I mean if the album is as cohesive as I’m hoping.... and this “Norman Rockwell” is symbolisming an artist she used to be with?? Barrie since he’s what Venice Bitch is about (that’s what ppl told me here, if its not true pls let me know but this would mean this album is about Barrie and is actually a UV 2.0 in a way if it’s about him...?????) but remember that line “You think you’re Hunter S Thompson” Sorry I’m stoned and thinking about this album a lot
  16. I mean it’s just something I was thinking about yknow she sings it on the road sometimes so it wouldn’t be hard to remember the lyrics lmao one can only hope (but watch it fucking happen please remember this post when it comes out and we will discuss lmao)
  17. You know how she references other songs? You hear that reference to Serial Killer on HIAB? What if this album will include Serial Killer? Redone with more guitars by Jack? I mean I don’t think it’s weird to think so, especially since she included the album title in the lyrics to Venice Bitch, which connects those songs. I think the album will be more cohesive this time around and it’d be cool to hear this Serial Killer she’s talking about on an album today
  18. She won’t re-record AKA or release an unreleased album tbh
  19. Songs (pretty much) confirmed so far -Happiness Is A Butterfly -Venice Bitch -Norman Fucking Rockwell -How To Disappear -Mariner’s Apartment Complex 5/11 so far... we’re only missing 6 titles so far unless there’s more tracks she’s working on right now and finishing up for a January release
  20. This track actually is really pleasing. I can’t wait for this album holy hell Her instagram she just posted recording the video
  21. I don’t necessarily think it’s a NFR track. I think it’s one she’s doing stand alone in October
  22. How To Disappear could be that random track that won’t be on the album. Remember she’s releasing a serious track this month is what she wants to do at least. Don’t get your hopes up for this one to be on the album if it’s the more serious song that’s a stand alone
  23. I actually thought the LFL trailer should’ve been the album cover for LFL. The pic where she’s standing with all the things above her head and LFL written on the chalkboard behind her. It would’ve had that starry look or night time look to it
  24. Sean actually did do something because the song was the melody of a Beatles song he didn’t have to let her use so I mean lol I hope this time she’s in front of a 60s/70s VW van lol
  25. I’m just hoping there’ll be another one on NFR lol not VB but another track
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