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Posts posted by Bimini

  1. The thing with Honeymoon is, the album rollout and the atmosphere created around the record it’s what made it 10x times better for me. It could also be that at the time I started gradually getting into her music (I was a fan during the late BTD/ beginning of UV eras but I wasn’t as much into Lana until late 2013). I’m so attached to Honeymoon and it brings me so many beautiful memories. I vividly remember being on vacation in Mallorca, Spain, and rushing to one of the Big Hotels in the street to get Wi-Fi and see all the news about the new record. I also remember the feeling I got when I first saw the track list. It was so beautiful and me and my friend were wondering the meaning behind each track and its titles. Also, Terrence Loves You dropped the day of my birthday (which by the way it’s today :hottie:) and I made my mom drive all the way to one of the hills to play it: we got lost and she freaked out and started panicking because it was so dark.

    I have so many other memories tied with this amazing record I could literally make a poem-


    Long story short, when it finally came out I thought it was even better than Ultraviolence which was my favorite body of work from her at the time. I liked each song. There wasn’t even one I couldn’t get into. It created such a magic, mystical and dreamy atmosphere.

    She described it as her vanity-project and that’s what made it so special. She wasn’t talking about climate change, her kids and the tour lYfe or whatever, it was only about her and her feelings.


    I think most of us have so many memories tied to Ultraviolence and Honeymoon and that’s what makes it impossible for me to top them. They’re always going to stay at the top of her discography as her best two albums.

    First, happy birthday, I hope you have a great day :) Second, I really love this little story. Honeymoon's calm and atmospheric sounds just make me feel at home and safe. I never understood why it was looked at with a lesser approval than BTD/UV. Truly, a masterpiece of an album! I'm really hoping NFR! will be the most personal album to me. I just moved 1,300 miles away for college and I really need a nice, calm Lana album to help me feel more secure and homely. MAC and VB have already done a great job and I just want the rest of the album to be anthemic to my next few years in college.

  2. omg maybe it’s 1000 times i have no words

    1000 times & mona lisa were robbed from charli... they deserved better


    this is completely random, but i also always picture the twilight series when i hear 1000 times... why

  3. no silly this doesn't have vocals 

    that's true... but just listening through this without the vocals there's a newfound respect for all the intricate sounds in this song like i swear i've never appreciated this song as much until now & its such a diverse track

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