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Posts posted by PrettyReckless

  1. Thank you for this. 


    I don't really think she needs much more of an introduction besides we know Lana likes her music, and she's fucking awesome.

    So far, her discography isn't large, but it's quality over quantity for sure.
    She gives me old-school rock vibes and a bit of vintage too.

    Directed by Chuck Grant:

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy8KMEOkxyo


    Well, I know that many people here do insult each other on one lever or the other.


    I have never insulted anyone on this or any other forum... I am writing what I write and I generally do not comment or reply to any negative things thrown at me...


    But yeah, I am kinda fed up that members who I do not even know insult me personally!


    I was looking what can be done, what is procedure about it...and seems report is the only thing. I don't know what the members get as a punishment... But I have decided what my steps will be regarding all this. I don't like to be in a place where people can OUT OF THE BLUE FOR ANY REASON PERSONALLY INSULT YOU!


    I do not like it! I am here on the forum as any other to have fun... not insult people. If I do not like smth, I just do not comment... And many people obviously do not understand that I have an internet identity here on forum which may be completely opposite in real life (and that I do what I do to get reactions and help people Those who asked for help in private messages - ALL GET my honest and open heart answers)

    Think of Lana.


    Anyway, I reported an insult - for the 1st time ever

    and I hope I will get the info what has been done.


    Thanks to mods!


    If not... I'll be outta here

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