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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. OOPS i didn't know you could only submit one photo and i put two
  2. LiZzY gRaNt'S cAmP cOuTuRe LoOk!!! For My look, I Went With A Green And White Top I Bought From The Clearance Section At K-Mart. $5 Jeggings From Forever21. A Barbie Ring From My Little Sister's 7th Birthday Party Many Years Ago. A Robot Toy I Got From An Estate Sale That Does Not Work No Matter What Batteries I Put In It. A Stuffed Sheep I Got At Goodwill. And Last, But CERTAINLY Not Least... My Prized Cat Mask, I Bought It From A Pawn Shop While Pawning My Earrings And The Man Who Sold It To Me Said That The Jewel In The Center Is Not A Plastic Ruby But In Fact An Actual Ruby. I Believe Him. Check Out More Shots By My Sister, Chunk!
  3. how can they seriously base their theme off of the horrors of capitalism, mass-media, and our dystopian modern world while inviting jeff bezos... give me a fucking break
  4. don't forget me! (like the lizzy at the beach in wildwood, new jersey!)
  5. if only i were famous, i would do SO good with the met gala
  6. and i know exactly what you thought it said...
  7. (i'm surprised nobody's chosen lana yet, although i sort of did with lizzy grant )
  8. i'm in my 3 celebrities are... 1. lizzy grant 2. lauren bacall 3. marilyn monroe
  9. find somebody who looks at you the way that lana del rey looks at bacon-wrapped jalapeño peppers
  10. you wear purple socks and you still like purple haze
  11. @X8vinylScratchX i've noticed that you're a type o negative fan, i've been getting into their music, i've only listened through bloody kisses and october rust so far, but i really like them and i think they're honestly just incredible, beautiful, and so unique it's hard to say what my favorite songs are from bloody kisses because the ones i really do love all of the songs i feel familiar with so far, i like listening to blood and fire, and i love listening to summer breeze with set me on fire queued right after since they go together, can't lose you is certainly great and i love the psychedelic feel it has, and christian woman and black no. 1 are just amazing, there's really nothing like them, i love long songs, and they most definitely have earned their length, i also love it how their songs switch up and have different sections to them i like pretty much everything off of october rust but i'm still not entirely familiar with every song yet, but my favorites from that one so far are love you to death, which is probably my current favorite type o negative song in general so far, it's so beautiful and romantic in the darkest, most gothic way, and i love that, i also really love wolf moon and haunted what are your favorite songs from the band?
  12. @southbeachswing and i discovered through the wayback machine that she posted the homemade music videos for lolita and diet mountain dew on her vimeo at one point as well!
  13. as a gen-z lana del rey fan, i apologize on the behalf of the more recent, annoying fans! although i am an older gen-z and i've been a fan for around 8 years at this point so i'm certainly not new to her, she's definitely settled into my identity, but even at 13 when i was a new fan, i wasn't annoying about her or saw her as just simply an aesthetic like i believe some fans unfortunately do, she's always been associated with aesthetics, which i think makes sense, since her music's very visual and she does incorporate a lot of beautiful visuals in her work, back in the mid-2010s, people associated her with tumblr, tumblr grunge, etc. and now she's primarily associated with the coquette aesthetic (which i do not understand, obviously her music's very glamourous and outwardly feminine energetically, but i just do not think of white, pink, lace, hearts, and bows when i listen to songs like pretty when you cry or body electric, i think more gentle, whimsical songs like video games and sweet sound coquette though) i feel like people just see her as something trendy and aesthetic instead of multi-faceted artist who should be seen for what they actually are and taken seriously, it's the same thing with all of the stupid, tired jokes regarding cocaine, sugar daddies, and roses with cigarettes hanging out of them... they never applied to her before and they never will, her art means so much more, even back when i was a teenager it bothered me and i knew her music was much more than that, i feel i always understood it, and i feel a lot of people just don't and it frustrates me oh, and i also hate it when people joke about how listening to lana del rey at a young age made them a mess or something like that, her music isn't a bad influence, i started listening to her at 13 and it only made my life better because i love the music and it means something to me, it isn't lana's fault that you're a hot mess express
  14. i hope we will slowly yet surely start to embrace aging as women and start seeing it as cool and beautiful, i honestly really look forward to being 40 because i just imagine myself being so graceful and put-together, aging is a privilege, after all, and with aging comes wisdom, maturity, and experience
  15. i find it very concerning that people are being arrested and such for expressing their CONSITITUTIONAL right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression, such strange times we're living in...
  16. she looks straight out of 2016 btw that is probably my favorite lana del rey selfie
  17. very lizzy grant ready for queen of the gas station 2.0!
  18. very fitting song for today, rainy, gloomy, cloudy, knowing my life's direction has shifted, even just slightly...
  19. are you all of the sudden not a fan of her anymore or something? damn did you get hacked or something? i really like you as a member and your posts but i strongly disagree with what you're saying and i just find it disappointing, i honestly can't stand the people here who constantly criticize her and constantly feel the need to make it a point that they don't like her as much anymore, take your negativity elsewhere
  20. majority of artists (and fashion companies) sell cheap stuff, and singing lazily or not as good as the studio isn't necessarily dumb or really that serious honestly... and a lot of people believe she has improved (i will agree she did get sort of lazy during LA to the moon tour, perhaps) if anything not giving it your all while knowing people will still eat it up anyway is sort of smart, we all know she doesn't particularly like performing in the first place, we should be grateful she still does anyway since she knows people want to see her perform, at least her music's actually good compared to the majority of stuff out there today honestly!
  21. i honestly don't really mind who she works with, but i really do hope she works with rick nowels again at some point, they've created so many beautiful songs together, he really is the classic lana del rey producer and the one who's created her signature sound and feel, i fear she will never feel compelled to work with him again, for whatever reason, i know it's only natural for artists to move forward and to progress in their work, but i hope she can value and appreciate the amazing work they did together and work with him again
  22. betty boop boop (dan auerbach version)
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