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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. this is really cool! thanks for sharing this! it looks great, here’s some more info you can add: she uploaded the mermaid motel music video to a website titled elbo.ws on july 10th, 2008 she uploaded the yayo video to youtube on july 5th, 2008 she uploaded “gramma: blue ribbon sparkler” to youtube on october 21st, 2008 she uploaded the queen of the gas station music video to youtube on may 5th, 2009 more upload dates here’s an imgur album made by the legendary @evilentity filled with a bunch of old myspace screenshots, this will be helpful for figuring out when certain songs have have first appeared https://imgur.io/a/xAKeg here’s all of the dates of her appearances at dnjournal/traffic events specific dates for some indian reservation photos https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/2006/June looking through those earlier dates of that section of the wiki will be helpful since i did update a lot of them a while ago for recording dates, check out the latest pages as well hoped this helped! ALSO! check this out
  2. there’s nothing wrong with reading the book though, as long as you go into it knowing what it’s about and understanding it’s not some sort of complex, edgy love story, it’s entirely different than those who romanticize it like that
  3. well, if that’s your take on it, i guess, but i feel like glamorizing pedophilia is entirely different from glamorizing depression, y’know? if somebody wants to see their depression as something beautiful and artistic, i actually can relate to that, so i can’t even sit around and act like it’s problematic, some people need to do that to be able to cope with it and get through their days, i just feel like it’s entirely different when it comes to pedophilia, and this all feels a bit ironic because we’re all lana fans and i do personally believe she had a romanticized view of that book, or, at least, had the wrong idea about it/only followed along with the sensationalized version of the story and it’s aesthetics, but i don’t really hold it against her because it was a long time ago
  4. obviously what may have been socially okay (to some extent) a decade ago could be totally wrong today, although i would argue that romanticizing lolita at any point is wrong, i don’t feel like it’s a bit pointless to criticize lana as a person for it at this point because it was a long time ago and she hasn’t made any references to it in her music since 2013 (even though she’s performed as recently as 2016) but the romanticization of that book as a whole is a problem that’s still relevant today
  5. lana’s “lolita” phase was over 10 years ago and just because she did it doesn’t mean it’s okay for people today to partake in that aesthetic, it’s gross to romanticize that book and make it into some sort of edgy love story, i don’t think every reference lana made to that book was necessarily wrong, but some of them don’t feel like they’re true to the actual nature of the book and what it was actually about (i don’t like the song “lolita” very much for this reason… i can’t help but feel like that song was not about the book and more about the sensationalized version of lolita)
  6. i honestly think she was just trying to tell a story with carmen that really wasn’t about herself, i mean, if you listen to the acapella demo which is our earliest recording of the track we have, it especially comes off that way
  7. you could try copy & pasting the text into the pastebin website
  8. there’s also some fans who think liking the lizzy grant era is wrong and problematic because it was apparently a bad time of her life or that it’s romanticizing poverty, prostitution, drugs, domestic abuse, all of this stuff that had nothing to do with lana’s life during that time lol… when i think of that era, i think of fireworks, amusement parks, beaches, sparkly things, nostalgia, happiness, my own life and memories, nothing bad
  9. i don’t think it’s them liking her aesthetics or style from a certain era is the issue, it’s how they don’t think she’s good enough anymore because she doesn’t have the same look/she’s gained weight, as if she doesn’t exist, and i may be wrong because i don’t go on tiktok and i try to avoid those whisper app pins on pinterest but a lot of these fans have a very inaccurate and toxic idea of who lana is, they romanticize eating disorders, drug addiction, among other things, it also just comes off as very contrived, it seems like they only like her or her music because of this assumed aesthetic that isn’t even really there
  10. i see all of these girlblogger coquette whisper app girls all over pinterest and i find them very immature, toxic, and annoying, some of them aren’t that bad but there’s some who are very discriminatory towards fat people and also extremely full of themselves in the most annoying way, and honestly these accounts and their aesthetics kinda creep me out, but maybe that’s just me and i’m becoming more hypersensitive about everything btw i don’t really think there’s anything wrong with liking a particular era, my favorite era is the lizzy grant era because i feel a deep connection with the music, photoshoots, music videos, and performances, but it has nothing to do with her appearance, i think it’s totally fine if somebody prefers or especially enjoys her earlier albums/eras but if it’s because she was “prettier” or “skinnier” then that’s fucked up
  11. we shouldn’t care what ignorant people on social media may think, it’s difficult to see people hate on her, but she shouldn’t make sacrifices towards her art to appease who would never try to understand in the first place
  12. i kinda would consider those two tracks “exclusively” from the rich whores sessions, even though there is a version recorded by arthur lynn (if you look through this thread you’ll also find another song about lizzy titled “dizzy”)
  13. i keep seeing these youtube channels where people post sped-up versions of songs and i genuinely don’t get the appeal, they don’t even sound good, i would never release something like this if i were a musician
  14. i mean, if she actually has experiences with being institutionalized, wouldn’t it be genuine? i feel like she’s made references to it in hope is a dangerous thing as well as her first poetry book
  15. actually maybe i’ll do this some other time because that’s going to take me all night still about to read ALL of these also that deirdre sullivan interview is so scary & iconic, i want to be her
  16. i’m gonna read through these, and make a list of all of the interesting information that i find, perhaps it could be added to the original post if you’d like?
  17. OH MY GOD!!! this is amazing!!! you probably are missing some hint: type in lizzy grant like this: “lizzy grant” and filter the search by the dates, such as jan. 1st 2007 - dec. 31st 2010 and you may be able to find old interviews that way also check out the tumblr account lizzygrant4ever i know they posted some interviews there also, this is really specific but i remember finding an interview on a website where somebody asked her what she would ask elvis if she could ask him anything and she replied with “i would ask him if he would kiss me” idk if that’s here lol but yeah!
  18. 1. i actually don’t know but i kinda feel like “the rich whores” came after? or maybe she used both of those names interchangeably? 2. perhaps? there’s only like 1 difference but it’s common for bands to have their members change over time 3. this is also something i don’t know because i always knew them as “the rich whores” and i would honestly consider both bands one in the same 4. all five of those tracks seem to be from the same rehearsal, i don’t know what day those were recorded, if you sleuth around the forums you may find more information 5. probably not 6. i would say, no, since the rich whores seem to be mid-2007 while this mixtape was created in early 2007 (january or february)
  19. do you think it's likely that those remixes will come out at any point, i know that princess superstar sent you a message saying she'll look for them, but to be honest i'm not too trustworthy when people say they're going to do something lol
  20. i believe he was real or, at least, there was somebody she met in mid-2005 that really impacted her, somehow, we may never know the whole story though, we just have to speculate
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