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neon palms sway

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Everything posted by neon palms sway

  1. I’m moving EXACTLYYYY omg. If I were her that’s what I would be soundchecking
  2. I want Paradise 2015 and Zodiac but I’ll take whatever we can get i have no standards
  3. I’m Not moving for FC… but if millionaire is leaking with it then
  4. Offensive to say but idc about another version of Fine China
  5. The way they’re watching us squirm Edit: we see y’all browsing !!!
  6. Me on Christmas morning waking up to Paradise 2015, Zodiac, and Dead to Me
  7. I miss 10 min ago when there were 5 new posts every second. Bitches took our spirit away
  8. Omg save Nikki’s life and post the link!!! Hurry
  9. You forgot to post the kraken files link @111
  10. When did everyone on here become boom like that stans lmao - me personally, I’m a Roll with Me stan but respect
  11. Someone at least leak like a lizzy photo or something while we wait… a lil appetizer
  12. Damn like 20 people left the thread bc it’s so boring COME ONNN
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