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Everything posted by jetski

  1. jetski

    Charli XCX

    gm lets get these 1999 streams
  2. jetski

    Charli XCX

    Why did she RT this lol https://twitter.com/IamSaralol/status/1057040216907767809 Besides like Dirty Sexy Money her lyrics arent like this??
  3. jetski

    Charli XCX

    wow the new smash bros looks amazing!
  4. jetski

    Charli XCX

    Is this version what she's been playing on the rep tour as well? I've never heard it but I rly like those synths in the bridge
  5. jetski

    Charli XCX

    wtf this instrumental is so well done. The vocals are ridiculous lol, but I appreciate whoever put in the effort to remake this, nice job
  6. jetski

    Charli XCX

    He is really influential and well known in the world of UK dance music/grime/dubstep and has been producing and DJing for like 10 years. I was a fan of his before I listened to Charli lol I just think he doesn't focus too much on social media which is too bad cuz I would love to find out more about this song. Also tho we don't even know if he produced it, another producer could've just sent it to him for him to DJ it
  7. jetski

    Charli XCX

    also this is where that audio is taken from - video of a Jam City DJ set from June, afaik this is the only recording we have of this song https://twitter.com/olepbr/status/1003243759524548608
  8. jetski

    Charli XCX

    yeah Sophie is a close affiliate of PC Music, has collab'd with AG Cook and other PC producers etc, but she has never actually released music on the PC label. All of her music is released via other record labels so technically she's not part of the label, but it's easy to get confused since she works so closely with them and her music sounds so similar to the rest of PC Music
  9. jetski

    Charli XCX

    "Whats your writing process like?" "There is none I'm just a mess" lol
  10. jetski

    Charli XCX

    One thing I realized is that every PC Music compilation has really only consisted of already-released material...if you look at vols 1 & 2 as well as the Month of Mayhem comp, all the songs were released as singles beforehand. This makes the rumor feel less likely to me unfortunately, I don't see them just dropping a new comp out of nowhere. But on the other hand there's nothing ruling out P4U getting released as a single on PC Music first, then on a compilation later, so who knows
  11. jetski

    Charli XCX

    this is interesting because if it's true it would be the first time charli is actually on something released on the PC Music label itself, afaik. Tho it's not like it would be some huge deal since she's obviously already worked tons with PC producers. I doubt this is true tho just sounds like wishful thinking on someone's part
  12. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I literally can't imagine that lol. It feels like it wasn't even made, it just descended from the heavens already fully formed It's the sound of literal angels
  13. jetski

    Charli XCX

    19999 is 25k away from 10M views GO STREAM IT
  14. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I can't argue with these FACTS....the synths + bass + the guitar sounds straight out of a Prince or Stevie Wonder song, a perfectly executed throwback style but also slaps SO hard like a modern pop song. She doesn't rly have any other songs with this vibe and it's sooo fucking good! Babygirl is a fucking gem, if u disagree then ur wrong
  15. jetski

    Charli XCX

    @@BloomForYou ok I have a Q but you've already worked enough miracles today so feel free to ignore this lol Does the Jam City collab have the same drums and production as what we have heard in the twitter video? I have a sneaking suspicion that the clip we've heard is some kind of edit or remix, and the actual track will be very different. You dont have to even describe what it sounds like I'm just wondering if the version in the clip is the original version or a remix
  16. jetski

    Charli XCX

    YES I can absolutely see this!!! I'm getting chills just thinking imagining it lol this song is so powerful UGH Oh wow, I'm a huge fan of those vocal fx lol so I am more than okay with this!!! HYYYYPPPE
  17. jetski

    Charli XCX

    @ is about to freak lmaaoooo
  18. jetski

    Charli XCX

    OMG!!!!!!!!!You have no idea how happy it makes me to have this confirmed, you're a legend But now I'm afraid it'll never come out
  19. jetski

    Charli XCX

    me when charli expects me to download a whole ass app just to watch this vid
  20. jetski

    Charli XCX

    Feel like I just witnessed history.....I'm excited to listen to Round and Round for the first time now lmao
  21. jetski

    Charli XCX

    smh we've been over this, like do people not hear that *cowbell* on Babygirl or.....?
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