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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. I can't wait to see Ugly Dolls LOLOL i dont care if Charli only gets a line in, I hope she gets at least 2 minutes of screen one. Out of the 3 villain girls she is in the center, even though the main villain is that blonde guy.


    not at all. there's that wonder thing called opinions, and that's just mine. i connect with it the least. don't get me wrong, there's some amazing tracks on there, but as a whole i don't really click with it.


    i don't need to act like some edgy scene kid and jump on the bangwagon saying it's her best, because to me, it's not. i fell a lot more in love with Marina during Electra Heart - that album still smacks me these days, it's gorgeous. I like more songs from EH than FROOT, and more from FROOT than TFJ. each to their own.


    omgurd such kewl comment. i hurd dis albym has lotz uf trakz nd cums out in aprul.


    i dont have a horse in this face but lol at this 


    anyways, im curious to listen to the rest of the album. not particularly a big fan of this sound, gets old for me fast, but excited to see the rest of the era.

  3. thinking about the jam city collab.......  :crai:

    i've watch that clip so many fucking times omg 

    THAT PITCH CHANGE after she says "I'm chain to your lips and i'm chain to your lips YEAH " omg   :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:

    and the drop at the end GODLY

  4. did anyone else find out about Charli through Anthony Fantano  :flutter:  :flutter:  I remember not caring for her other than Boom Clap until he released his Vroom Vroom review and called it his favorite EP of the year  :deadbanana:

    this was also the case  for me! i checked her out during TR my then music taste wasn't compatible with it at the time, and heard sucker here and there, loved Breaking Up. and I started listening to her when I binged Fantano's video. Decided to checked out her Vroom Vroom ep at the ending of 2017 and i LOVED It!!

  5. just here to say that when ppl ordered the analog cassette version and shared the lossless files, including the cover arts, that was a moment. (later it was released digitally this was also a moment).

  6. Poor sophie couldnt clean Charli's vocals from the white noise before finishing it

    Bloom said later this month or early april

    OMG SO SOON ty so much!

  7. this might be weird kinda but does anyone have a collection of charli leaks in their original untouched files? without names being changed and everything?



    these are all i have


    ignore ponytail i accidentally added it during the august leaks of 2018


    did the ppl who leaked the files changed the names or is it Charli and her producers that are naming these files. The MESS. Is t his an industry practice or summ?

    also when do ya'll think BIOYL will be released/was planned to be released

  8. Deleting the 128kbps mq version of the song so I won't be tempted to hear it. need to prepare for this release! will also not hear track 10 for now  :defeated:

  9. DO YOU LIKE DANCERS? mura-masa-charli-xcx-1-night-music-video







    I HEARD THIS IN MY HEAD EXACTLY LIKE THE SNIPPET. Also i forgot what the songs snippet was called? It was with Umru right?

  10. makes me sad that ya'll think her party pc music lyrics have no substance or isn't as god as TR.  :ohno:  why? because it reminds me of what she had said in some of her interviews/tweets. she has felt frustrated in the past that her music, specially party music, is seen as less then what it is because its party music. IGNORANT!


    anyways, excited to her her future album/mixtape 1000+ times.

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