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Posts posted by RiverColaLight

  1. I mean I see where Azealia is coming from.. in a way. 


    Lana has every right to defend herself but I think she embaressed herself by stooping to the level of threatening and mocking mental illness.


    Of course we don't know what happens behind the scenes so.

  2. I looove the synth in the last West Coast chorus. Gives me chills.

    The piano in the final chorus of God Bless America 

    The haunting organ bridge in Religion.

    Stargirl, even tho it's short, its memorable. The minimal production, and the outro is kinda trippywith knocks in the background and lana singing higher and higher are awesome

    The ''white lines and black beaches'' mumbling part in Summer Bummer.

    Florida kilo's production in general - the warped guitars

    The synth buzzy outro's in In My Feelings and When the world was at war

    The tunes - idk how u call it - on the background of the 13 beach chorus

    The first verse of cherry - especially the bass drop.

    Video games its outro and the humming



    cant think of any more rn but i know theres more

  3. Lust For Life - I like the verses but the chorus and especially the weeknd's annoying squeeky voice ruin the song

    Diet MTN Dew - I hate the intro

    Burning Desire - dull

    Beautiful People Beautiful problems - no replay value at all, song goes nowhere

    High By The Beach - dont like the production and lyrics


    Lana has a good discography so that's all folks

  4. I had a dream Lana, Lady Gaga and I were performing ''Teeth'' (by Gaga) live at a festival in Russia. Then I went backstage to hangout with Lana, and she was sitting in front of a poster of her in a safari outfit holding some white substance on her pinky in front of her nose. She asked me if sniffing was allowed here and I said yes. Then i said hold still and I took a picture of Lana doing coke in front of the poster and she burst into laughter, lol.

  5. Born To Die was mostly ripped apart by critics? Lol. And Honeymoon had even less promo than this era, LFL has just been more spread out because of the messy initial leak of Love.


    I think comparing a very radio friendly mainstream pop superstar like Gaga to Lana will just create completely unfair parallels.

     Well not by the fans lol


    I'm just thinking, nothing serious.

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