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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Shut up, are you serious?? I haven't listened to any of the leaks, but not Lana teasing the lyrics to TT x VB to MEEEE a year ago?? x
  2. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric vs Carmen
  3. Alright, I've updated the OP with everything - 150+ pictures & 25+ videos for your viewing pleasure. I tried to organise it a bit, but I'll work on it more tomorrow. Enjoy! x
  4. Here's the segment of the livestream that was glitched where Quinta & Olivia introduced Lana's award. I stopped it right where it picked up on the stream, so as you can see, we didn't miss much. I'm also right now going to work on just putting everything in the OP, and then tomorrow I'll come back it organise it some more. That way everything will be in one place for any newcomers, albeit with not the nicest formatting x
  5. 40+ more HQ pictures & some more videos! I promise tomorrow I'll organise all of this nicely in the OP, but I'm pretty exhausted after today so this is the best I can do for now lol. Pictures - With Olivia -
  6. Close-up side-stage angle from the last part of her speech - With K*m P*tr*s -
  7. We got most of it, actually. Really the only thing we missed was her going up on stage and saying "we made it!" before continuing into what we heard. I found a video someone from the audience took of her speech, so I'll post it in the Appearances Thread in a few minutes x
  8. Honestly, this is what you all deserve after the leak fiasco earlier lmao. This felt very targeted.. and sort of deservingly so... x
  9. I truly can’t believe this is happening lmao.. and after all I went through today with dealing w the leaks… this feels like a personal attack x
  10. So my stream unfreeze, but it still is continuing to have little pauses.. is this what everyone else is experiencing too or do I just have bad connection aside from the big initial freeze
  11. Just a by the way, I'm posting the latest pictures/videos of Lana in this appearances thread. Feel free to keep discussing the awards show in here, but if you're only interested in the Lana-related aspect, check out that thread for the latest! I just posted a clip of her ET interview, but she didn't mention anything about a tour in it. Hopefully more of the interview will come later x
  12. Girlie loves her Zimmermann… but I think $3000 is too much for me i do have 2 of her other Zimmermann dresses though x https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/product/zimmermann-high-tide-lace-midi-dress-0400017696833.html?site_refer=NPLA_GGL_Shopping&country=US&currency=USD&dwvar_0400017696833_size=0 (2-4)&dwvar_0400017696833_color=LEMON
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