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Posts posted by cory

  1. To give insight to my opinion, I've been a hardcore stan since 2012. 


    And honestly, I was not disappointed with this album. Some of the songs are not really good (I'm looking at you, Superstar.) Some of the lyrics are a bit strange (the 'towels' line in NMS) but as someone mentioned before, it feels reminiscent of her quirky lyrics from TFJ ('we are the spoons...'). Some of the melodies and production feel a little bit repetitive but it's refreshing to see her embracing genuine electropop. I would've liked to see PDCM and TNWWY on the album as I feel they fit more than some of the songs on it but I'm not mad as we have heard parts of both of them.  FEAR>LOVE. 


    I was at Neon Gold X when she premiered Emotional Machine and honestly, I was a little disappointed, but after hearing the studio version it is definitely a highlight of the album.  I'm so glad that BROODS provided backing vocals for the song and it wasn't just for the live performance.  It adds to much to the song! Life is Strange has been on repeat too (but fuck that cheering sample).  That cello though!  Karma sounds exactly like a Clean Bandit song (almost a WIL reject..) so I wasn't really surprised that Jack produced it.  I could see them pushing that as a single.  I also wish we never got that You snippet last year because I feel like I had expectations for that song that weren't met.  It's a cute little bop though. 


    I'm not sure how I would rank this against her other albums.  I feel like I don't have an accurate gauge on how to rank them because her first three albums are so overplayed for me that my opinion might be skewed. 


    Overall, as a hardcore stan, I feel like the four years was worth the wait. This album is the pop album I desperately wanted FROOT to be following EH. I find myself relating to a lot of the themes throughout the album, and that's part of why I love Marina so much.  I do definitely understand the criticism that it's a bit ~basic~ but I do not think basic music is bad.  I love how distinct all 4 albums are, and how cohesive they are.  L+F is extremely cohesive, and I'm happy to see how much she has matured in her thought process and that she has a positive outlook on life now.  I'm happy that she's happy!  :flutter:

  2. I keep trying to choose a favorite from the album but I literally cannot. I think that Superstar is my least favorite, but I still like it.  Enjoy Your Life has been on repeat the most, so I'm leaning towards that as a favorite.... but True slaps too... but so does End of the Earth... LOL

  3. Does anyone else think To Be Human sounds a lot like Handmade Heaven? They're both produced by Joel Little, which I didn't even realize when I first thought that.  There's just something about them that strikes me as quite similar

  4. Wow, I feel like this is some of her best production since EH.  Interesting to hear Marina singing over a trap influenced beat but still sounding so authentically Marina.  I could honestly see this being played on the radio, it almost sounds like a Camila Cabello song or something. The lyrics aren't her 'deepest' but that doesn't mean that because they're simplistic, they're bad.  She always manages to tell a story with her lyrics  :flutter:


    Hopefully a music video drops tomorrow!

  5. This is my first post on here after years of lurking (hi!)



    I've been a Marina stan since EH came out and I have to say I wasn't super impressed with the album cover at first, but I've warmed up to it.  I was a little disappointed to see that it was B&W, but it works well with the theme.


    Really excited about L+F... I wonder if she'll put out another single before it drops.  I hope so, and I hope it's a banger

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