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i pray for rain

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Posts posted by i pray for rain

  1. she tagged jorge elbrecht in her pitchfork rehearsals story so.. let’s pray she does some new songs (*hoping artificial love is still alive*)

    downhill lullaby, i guess

  2. Also, remember to BUY the song, then go to Spotify and STREAM the song with the sound on the app turned up. If you’re going to continuously play the video, make sure to refresh the page each time.

    youtube works via ip so it doesn't matter

  3. I wanna look into Miss (Azealia) Banks, from which album/song should I start?


    from goddess: alibi, brain, fuck em only we know, drowning, change and under the table

    from the altar: this is not about us, mother earth and poltergeist

    better (one-off single)

  4. haven’t heard much of her new album yet (i’ve been slowly getting into her for a while now) but i’m really liking what i’ve heard

    no drug like me is my song rn

    what are some other standouts on this record?


    for sure

  5. I followed Charli p closely during True Romance-Sucker but kinda stopped keeping up w her after that can yall give me good song recommendations 


    secret (shh), roll with me, white roses, tears, unlock it, track 10 and 5 in the morning

  6. She really sniffs something (I've seen it at the pop 2 afterparty) she gets really crazy and dizzy) still she had a good vibe and talked to everyone in it but...

    we got that sugar on the brain (-:

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