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Everything posted by ijustwantedtorevivetheforum

  1. the quality of that if you lie down with me snippet sounds like it has been recorded on an intestine i think i'm wrong on the snippet what did u type to get it
  2. On that site someone just uploaded a 99mb file named blue banisters C3 zip, i dont know what to do
  3. Blue banisters has 14 letters, the number of singers in sweet carolina is 3, 14-3=11, we are the 11 , Lana is 1 person album leeking in 1 minute confirmed
  4. ok to prove that it's true you have 1 minutes to tell me 1 sentence of the chorus
  5. bon svp je sais pas ce qu'il se passe ici mais concentrons-nous sur autres choses non ? comme le fait que ça soit bizarre que les deux harmonisations combinées sont bizarres sur le truc qui a fuité sur le site
  6. guys i just overlaid the two vocals and it sound off, like it's off key, it's not a harmony either they pitched one or the song HAS THAT CHANGING KEY THING AT ONE POINT QLKGN?LDFKDN?VQFDQFSF
  7. a new snippet from blue banisters from that site acapella sounds like the damn you era two vocal layers separated
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