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Everything posted by lagatabajolalluvia

  1. some things that I've bought in the past month now I won't buy anything until I get a job because I've spent my money on Lana Del Rey concert tickets I can't wait
  2. if you're talking about the ones in a plastic wallet, yes, as far as I know they're real, and there's also a Summertime Sadness promo cd
  3. Do any of you have an extra Ride UK single CD promo that are willing to sell for a fair price? Idk why I didn't buy it when I had the chance
  4. the guy who sold me this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261267620644?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 told me he had this two and asked me if I wanted them for 7.5 gbp each
  5. I'm just wondering, how much did you guys paid for you National Anthem CD Promo (cardsleeve)? I just got one for 7.50£ and I don't know if it's a good price
  6. hi, I'm new and i want to share my collection, I know it's not as big as many of you here you have my CD and vinyls collection my magazines collection that's all I got but I'm starting with the CDs and vinyls collection, the Dark Paradise single it's on it's way and I ordered Vogue Australia B&W cover I have Vogue UK and Complex Magazine but they are in the US with my cousin HOPE YOU LIKE MY COLLECTION xoxo
  7. omg you guys have a lot of things, I have nothing compared to you
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