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Blue Velvet Crowbar

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Posts posted by Blue Velvet Crowbar

  1. reminds me of the time I thought I was having a heart attack, turned out I just had to poop! We stan intern doctors! But no seriously you need to go through intensive testing in order to get diagnosed. Just because you think you see a color with something doesn't mean anything. I mean I see a train wreck on stage at the vmas in 2007 everytime I listen to gimme more, but that don't mean anything! Also like I stated, one of the key ways to catch someone on their lie, if you have true synesthesia, your brain associates a specific pitch with a color tone, etc. Meaning these people can tune a guitar just by closing their eyes, which I doubt anyone here can do. But it's fun to play pretend! We all wanna feel special sometimes, don't we?


    See @wynwood

  2. synesthesia is your brain associating colors with words, numbers, music, etc.


    idk how tf y'all are seeing these oranges and yellows when lanas instrumentals and vocals are the complete opposite when i listen to them





    i know i have it because when i was like 8 i had colors memorized for every number (3 is green, 4 is purple, 5 is orange), each month was a color (july is red, may is pink, november is brown, april is purple, etc.) and i would write down words that had similar colors/vibes even though they had nothing to do with each other.


    i used to think i only had this and that i was special lol but then i found out on the internet its called 'synesthesia'



    Try a RN or a GP..

    Not the internet.


    Your post reminds me of this vv


    This post gives me strong neon pink sparkly retro rose-tinted honey mustard ranch dressing vibes. Ugh my synesthesia is quaking


    :lmao:  :teehee: 

  3. I’m sorry I called you big head, although your head is quite sizable you do have a very chiseled face with quite striking features, and for that purpose I believe handsome squidward to be a more appropriate description. Have a nice day and don’t take any of what I say seriously, I’m just on here shooting the shit before my next semester. It’s all love ❤️

    two steps forwards,

    one step back

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