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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. Is this Lana’s hardest to pronounce and to remember song title, or am I just dumb?
  2. Every song that I’ve tried using spatial audio sounds worse to me than listening to it normally. I’m excited about lossless though for my dedicated headphone setup. COTCC and the new singles aren’t available in lossless though.
  3. NFR! Ultraviolence AKA Honeymoon Born to Die Chemtrails Sirens Lust for Life Paradise
  4. My ranking: Born to Die Video Games Norman fucking Rockwell / Bartender/ Happiness is a Butterfly Chemtrails Over the Country Club Music to Watch Boys To
  5. How would we feel about a whole album of songs similar to: Kill Kill Doin’ Time Florida Kilos West Coast (Alternate/Radio) Mix aka summer, beachy, tropical songs?
  6. Happiness is a Butterfly is Lana's #9 top song on Spotify right now. Pretty unexpected ?
  7. I feel similarly. I've had a really hard time connecting with anything post-NFR besides a few songs off of COTCC. I've listened to COTCC and the 3 new singles a lot, but it still feels like I can't figure out my opinion of them. Like I keep listening, but at the same time, I can't decide if I even like what I'm listening to or not. I obviously don't dislike it or I wouldn't keep listening, but it just isn't connecting for me. It's really odd, especially when it's an artist who I've instantly clicked and connected with on a deep level since I first listened to her.
  8. It’s criminally underrated. Probably my favorite summer album too. Listening to it on a hot dry sunny day while driving in the country highways is too good.
  9. Sirens: Pretty Baby AKA: Kill Kill BTD: Summertime Sadness Paradise: Ride UV: Pretty When You Cry HM: Music to Watch Boys To LFL: White Mustang NFR: Venice Bitch COTCC: Tulsa Jesus Freak
  10. Seriously. Can't share an opinion that involves not being super satisfied or happy with recent releases without someone (1) assuming that means you're a BTD stan (2) assuming this means you're asking for dance/pop/mainstream or (3) someone insisting that you just have no taste. I thought the entire reason of being on the forum was to discuss Lana's work, not for me to sit here and praise every single thing she releases whether it fits my music taste or not. It's not even like anyone is like "this is garbage ew." We're straight up giving thought out responses or even something as simple as "not really feeling this style" and next thing you know it's, as you say, "UGH WE GET IT YOU WANT LANA TO DO BORN TO DIE OR ULTRAVIOLENCE 2.0 GET OVER YOURSEL!!!!1!"
  11. Tbh I don’t really get the people who are like “HER SONGWRITING GROWTH!!!!!!” after the 3 new releases. Ok yeah, the lyrics are some of her most personal, but her lyrics have generally always been complex and multilayered. Also, the Blue Banister’s production is probably the simplest she’s released and it lacks a melody. Text Book is good but it sounds similar to the production of her past eras. I feel like people are equating personal lyrics and more stripped down songs to be more mature and therefore better songwriting. To me, something like AKA is way more impressive considering how unique and innovative the whole thing is, especially given the fact that nothing else sounds like still today this day AND she released it as an indie artist. Also, if you are praising her being so personal now, um hello? Pawn Shop Blues was released 11 years ago. I’m not saying these songs aren’t good or that it’s not interesting to see Lana evolve, but I don’t get how people are losing their minds over these 3 songs when she’s released AKA, UV, NFR, and BTD in the past, which may not be as personal or “mature” sounding, but were/are far more innovative and interesting given the period of time they were released in and in general imo.
  12. Listening to Wildflower Wildfire on my "audiophile" setup feels a bit ironic.
  13. Here’s the deal… cause I know you want to talk about it
  14. Umm it's the best out of the 3 released songs, wym?
  15. Sometimes I forget how unique, innovative, and mesmerizing Video Games, Born to Die, and Blue Jeans felt when I heard them for the first time. Truly unlike anything else I had ever heard at the time. She REALLY changed the game. Wow.
  16. Do y'all find Blue Banisters to be happy or sad in message? Obviously, the story she's telling is that the man she was hoping would fix the hole in her heart didn't, but now her friends and family are fixing it instead. Seems positive. But the way it's written, to me, it seems like she thinks she's unlovable and unable to find the true man for her, so she has to just be happy with her friends and family instead. Thoughts?
  17. I agree. Everything since COTCC has been harder for me to connect with. Tbh I don't want another BTD, UV, HM, NFR, etc., I want her to keep evolving, but I feel like her recent stuff has been too minimalist. I think Chemtrails (the song) and TJF were where I was wanting her to go more with the whole album - an evolution of her sound while still doing something interesting and new with production. I do like a lot of these piano ballads a lot (Bartender, Video Games, Change, Old Money), but I don't want albums where everything is that slow, and that's what a lot of COTCC felt like and kinda what BB is feeling like so far. Very understated.
  18. Wildflower Wildfire is my favorite out of the three for sure, and it's continuing to grow on me even more. "Here's the deal... cAuSe I kNoW yOu WaNt To TaLk aBoUt It" The whole pre-chorus lyrics make me feel emotional, and then "HOT fire, HOT weather, HOT coffee" The voice crack in "it's truUUE, darlin'" And then the ending whispering and background vocals of the chorus "like the others, baby, burns, buurnnsss, buuurrnnnss" SO GOOD.
  19. idk why people want a 35 year old woman to make another album she's already done before. Why would you want an imitation of something that's already been done rather than something new? One of the major things I love about Lana is that she keeps evolving while somehow staying very uniquely and distinctly Lana throughout all of it. Her trying to re-create BTD now would only sound and be disingenuous and a regression, and not because she was a weaker songwriter back then, but because it wouldn't actually fit with her true story, life, and evolution.
  20. Ok WW and Text Boom are growing on me, and wow, a lot to unpack in the lyrics. I just can’t get into BB though. It sounds like some weird musical scene where an actress is telling a story with music accompanying her even though she’s really giving no melody or song structure. The only saving grace is the piano at the very end.
  21. Why does sharing an opinion on a new release have to mean we're complaining? Music taste so obviously isn't universal.
  22. Blue Banisters feels like a continuation of COTCC... still so sluggish for me. Not a fan. Text Book feels okay on first listen. Has potential to grow. BLM line feels forced though. Wildflower Wildfire... okay, a bit better. Most of her music since COTCC has felt like it just drags and drones on, and these don't seem to be much different. Maybe I'll warm up to them.
  23. I'm sure this has been said many times before, but I wish she had found some balance between the finished version of BAR and the demo. I like the anger/vengeance and outro melody (so freaking good) of the demo, but I think the finished version fits in better with the rest of NFR and sounds more polished. Also, the fact that Bartender is the least played song on NFR on Spotify is a CRIME.
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