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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I definitely think 81 is a better score. NFR is significantly better to me. To me, NFR is absolutely no skips and pretty much a perfect album. Venice Bitch, Happiness is a Butterfly, and Bartender each, on their own, blow away anything on Chemtrails except maybe Tulsa Jesus Freak and Breaking Up Slowly for me. Even though I enjoy the melodies and harmonies, Not All Who Wander Are Lost is the most uninspired I've seen Lana in her lyrics. I also enjoy Wild at Heart, but the fact that she basically reused the production of How to Disappear also ruined it a bit for me. Even though Chemtrails has grown on me, I'm having a really hard time connecting with it - which is a problem I've never had with any Lana album. Even Sirens, I connect more with, so it's not even like I can theorize that it might just be the stripped down production not doing it for me. I recognize objectively that COTCC is good, mature, and more refined then a good amount of her past work, but something about it just isn't clicking. Lana's music has always felt custom made for me, but COTCC felt like when I listened to folklore and I was like "I can see why people like this, and I might like a bit of it, but this just isn't really my thing. Objectively, it's good, but it's not for me." I've NEVER felt that way about Lana's albums and it's lowkey driving me a bit mad that I feel this way about Chemtrails.
  2. The line in TJF, “Find your way back to my bed again” always gets me for some reason
  3. The way I've done a 180 on my opinion of COTCC in less than 48 hours. I still feel the most disconnected from it out of all of her albums, but it's really been growing on me.
  4. So when do we think the album will actually be released?
  5. Did anyone else think BUS was Stevie Nicks at first? It’s weird - I love Sirens but I’m not feeling this album. I also loved NFR (her best album imo).
  6. Finally watched the video. It felt a little over stylized and manufactured in the beginning for me, but then I started really enjoying the visuals. So maximal, I love it. I loved getting to see the COTCC album cover come to life in the video and how her and her friends are sort of the consistent storyline throughout this era. I also really loved how the video lived up to the actual name of the song and album, how she they did the idealic perfect "good" country club in the first half, then transitioned to the chemtrails, conspiracies, and evil in the second half. The last few scenes of her in the blue light in the shower are really gorgeous too.
  7. NFR! Ultraviolence AKA Sirens Honeymoon Born to Die Lust for Life Paradise Chemtrails Over the Country Club
  8. My top 3 as of my 2nd listen: Breaking Up Slowly Tulsa Jesus Freak White Dress
  9. Tulsa Jesus Freak is a total gem. I love the experimentation with the autotune effect, all of the background vocals, and the buildup of "white hot forever."
  10. Despite me not connecting with the album on first listen, I do love that Lana continues to evolve and change with each album and in her own unique way. She never keeps things static for too long. It makes each album special. I really loved how the album started with White Dress which was immediately unique compared to anything else she''s released. I also think it's the song that meant the most to me lyrically. The buildup of Tulsa Jesus Freak was really good. I can see why the album was almost called White Hot Forever. Breaking Up Slowly stood out to me musically.
  11. I'm halfway through and this is the first Lana album I've ever not connected with on the first listen. I feel like subconsciously I kinda expected this which is why I put off listening to it. Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm kinda bitter, I feel like this album might've meant more to me on its Sep 5th release date when I start getting in a more melancholic mood for autumn/winter. Now that it's March, COVID cases are down, nicer weather is on the way, spring is about to begin, vaccinations are ramping up, I've had very positive big changes in my personal life, I'm just in the mood for hype music and this is obviously nothing close to that, and I never expected that, but I just don't feel aligned with the ethos of this album at all lol. Is this how it feels for people who don't "get" Lana's music to listen to her music? I legit feel bored, and I can't help but think of parodies of Lana while I listen to this. Maybe this is a result of my perfect image of Lana being ruined throughout 2020 with her repeated problematic behavior. Maybe I'll like it better now on future listens now that I know what to expect, or maybe it'll be better when I'm feeling down. Also, Wild at Heart rips off one of her older songs, something on NFR? I can't place it. What is it? It was like copy + paste.
  12. I have yet to listen to the album and lowkey I’m kinda scared to. NFR set the bar SO high for me. Even though Lana has really never let me down musically, but I have no idea what to expect (I haven’t listened to anything from COTCC yet).
  13. Well I held strong this entire era and didn't listen to a single song or watch any videos released since I wanted to wait until the full album was released so I could listen to it start to finish brand new. Now that it's leaked, do I listen to it now or wait for its official release?
  14. I liked it a lot. I loved the spooky vibe and all of the visuals. House of Balloons into Blinding Lights was fire. However, I thought it was super short. Idk if it was just me. With the pace he was going and the amount of great music he has, I was expecting him to do way more songs. When he started doing Blinding Lights, I was like “oh, he’s doing this in the middle of the set list? Weird but okay.” And then it ended and I was like “... oh.” Blinding Lights was definitely the best part, but I thought it was just the rising action, not the actual climax already. So it felt a bit anticlimactic to me.
  15. Sarah Jessica Parker tweets her support https://twitter.com/sjp/status/1358532175868686336?s=21
  16. Everyone needs to see the documentary
  17. the bridge/outro is VERY Lorde and easily the best part of the song. the verses remind me of tswift songs too. as another user mentioned, her weird "indie girl cursive" singing does kinda ruin the vibe for me at times. I'm interested to see where she goes though.
  18. What seems to be the general consensus for the fanbase around LFL compared to Lana's other albums? I used to love this album when it came out, but I have such negative feelings now. When I think of LFL, I have bad feelings regarding it. It feels juvenile and almost like a parody of LDR to me. It feels inauthentic. There's a good chunk of the songs where I'm like "wow this is both pretty bad and good at the same time." There are songs I like individually a LOT (White Mustang, Cherry, Change) and a good chunk of songs that I don't skip if they come on, but as a whole, I just don't like the album. It feels like such a weird album to me, like something about it just doesn't work for me. The best analogy I have of how I feel when I think of LFL is like an embarrassing high school memory that you try to repress and pretend it never happened to avoid the cringe. But idk why or what made me feel this way about LFL. I feel bad writing this because I'd feel horrible if Lana ever read this, and the album is way better than anything I could ever write, it just feels like a stain on her discography to me compared to everything else she's released (or even not released) so far. Does anyone else feel this way?
  19. reading through this thread without hearing the interview at all is wild ride
  20. Best to worst: NFR! Honeymoon (Alternate) Paradise Born to Die Ultraviolence Lust for Life AKA Honeymoon NFR! (Alternate) Chemtrails Ultraviolence (Alternate)
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