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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I don't understand the hate around the NFR/Bartender/HIAB video. It's probably my favorite video project she's done since Tropico. I genuinely love it and the vibe fits the NFR album songs perfectly imo.
  2. WTF is the point of releasing an album to apologize for the delay on the album you were supposed to release if you can’t release the apology album on time either? This year has really soured Lana for me. I’m not saying I won’t support or be excited for COTCC, but I’ve never been so annoyed with Lana as I have been this year, whether it’s her intentionally wearing an ineffective mask, driving recklessly while filming it, not being able to keep her word for anything, or just being messy. Goddamn.
  3. I’m not buying COTCC for this + reckless driving IG post. She was the only artist left who I still go out and buy a physical copy of her album on the first day of release. Not spending any more money to support her increasingly narcissistic, arrogant, and inconsiderate attitude.
  4. I'm not crazy about the chorus (a little too loud and in your face for me), but holy shit, that intro and outro always makes my heart drop. It's sooo good. This is one of her best collabs, and it's so good hearing her voice on something different than her usual sound. I would love to hear a more acoustic song like this on COTCC.
  5. That post of her driving is so fucking stupid, and I can’t believe she would be dumb enough to do it. Recording herself while switching between cameras, steering on a curvy road, and having her leg up on the dash. And dumb enough to post it. Smh.
  6. Anyways, this got me really excited for the album. NFR was delayed because she added more songs to it too, and look how well it turned out. I’m happy to wait if that means the album is better. I’m excited to see where this folk, country (I’ve been getting more into country lately), and “Midwestern” sound is going to. I’m a little concerned when she mentioned folk after Taylor’s folklore reminded me a lot of NFR due to Jack’s work, but I’m also excited since I’ve been listening to Sirens a lot lately which is obviously folk. I’m interested to see how she talks about her family and friends in the album too, because it doesn’t seem like she does that often. I find it so interesting that to hear Lana being stressed about where she wants to go, about her even taking writing classes, and her being in different, weird places all the time. I just find her so fascinating.
  7. I loved this interview and it didn’t come across as arrogant to me. I’ve been thinking this for years: Lana has been ahead of her time. I mean she really dropped the BTD album when the world was still obsessed with hyper-aggressive EDM pop, while she was sounding manic in her vocals, was mixing classical with hip hop, and singing about unhealthy relationships and dying. And she got so much flack for it and has over the years for things she’s said in songs and interviews. She inspired and opened the doors for a whole new generation of artists, yet they’re the ones out there getting Grammys, dominating charts, and being household names, while Lana still seems underground somehow. She was right all along. She has been under-appreciated and under-recognized. So no, I don’t find this interview arrogant because it’s true.
  8. NFR Honeymoon Ultraviolence AKA BTD LFL Paradise Ultraviolence and Honeymoon are likely to switch back and forth, but for now, this is my rating.
  9. I didn’t realize this was an unpopular opinion until I read people talking about it here... The NFR 3-song video (NFR/Bartender/HIAB) is one of my favorite video projects Lana’s done.
  10. As someone who didn't even notice the lyric/production changes when NFR came out () and had BAR as my least favorite song on NFR, you have now made me care about the song. Just listened to the original, and the lyrics are definitely more powerful. I'm now angry about the lyric decision, but you made me care about the song more which I appreciate. I guess your point is also strengthened, because I do feel that I would connect more with the song if it had been released on NFR with the original lyrics. Instead, it just became a kinda boring song to me. I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't necessarily drawn to it either. Had the OG lyrics been on the album, I would've noticed over time and would've understood the appeal of the song more.
  11. I refuse to listen to anything until the album is released in full. HOWEVER, I came all the way here just to say that I think this post made me straight: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkGB5ypaTH/ Not even kidding
  12. Hate to say it, but I think this may be the first project by Lana I don’t like. I liked parts of it, but overall, I kinda regret buying it except for supporting Lana and the Native American charity.
  13. I bought the audiobook, but only have listened to the first poem before I bought the audiobook to figure out if I'd buy it or not. I keep waiting for the right moment to listen to the book (when I'm feeling emotional and am ready to sit down for 40 min and focus solely on the book), but I haven't found the right time yet. I can't believe her next album is going to be released in a month already. That's such a quick turnaround from an audiobook that I haven't listened to yet. We haven't got this much Lana content in one year since BTD/Paradise. Even then, we will have gotten 2 albums and an audiobook all within a span of about a year. Wild.
  14. Have you guys found or made any playlists that mixes Lana's albums together to make it into one cohesive collective album? For example, if you mixed BTD and LFL to make a cohesive new album playlist. The playlist doesn't have to have all of the songs off of each album, it just has to be a playlist of songs that sound like it could be its own cohesive album. I'm really interested to see how songs from one Lana album could fit onto another, and I'd love to hear a cohesive project like this. Please share your playlists here if you have any. Much appreciated xx
  15. Of course, stan Twitter is completely taking Lana’s words out of context and “cancelling” her. What a disgrace
  16. My favorites have become: Norman fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex Venice Bitch Bartender Happiness is a Butterfly
  17. Mariners Apartment Complex - 7 + Venice Bitch - 80 California - 54 -
  18. What seasons and times of day do you associate each Lana Del Rey album with? I could’ve sworn this was a thread before but I searched on here, on google, and went through pages and couldn’t find anything, so sorry if it already has been made. AKA: Summer (May-July), midday to afternoon BTD: Summer (June-July), nights Paradise: Winter, night Ultraviolence: Summer, night Honeymoon: Fall, early night (8-10pm) LFL: I have no association with this album tbh NFR: Late summer, early fall (August-early October), the progression of evening to sunset to dusk
  19. I really can’t pick between West Coast and White Mustang.
  20. Can we get SSL support on the site? I'd feel a lot more secure
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