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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. Oh god, I was listening to The greatest while on YouTube and an ad came on at the beginning of the video I wanted to watch. The volume for the ad was lower and The greatest was still playing over top of the ad. The guy in the ad was like "NOBODY! does spicy chicken like Wendy's" and I swear it triggered me to Smarty when Lana says "Who has the choice like smarty does? Nobody, nobody!"
  2. How to Disappear went from one of my least favorites to a never skip song, maybe even one of my new favorites.
  3. These are all pretty cool, ngl. I think the only one I'd actually buy is the LDR Boulevard shirt, but the wind breaker is pretty dope and the crop tops are pretty "Lana" and cute for women. Does anyone have real life pics of any of this merch?
  4. Ok so I was a little disappointed with the full version of Happiness is a Butterfly. It was the song I was most excited for with the release of the album. The chorus is just insanely gorgeous. However, the verses don’t seem to fit with it as well. I’m always caught off guard when the chorus starts. It’s like 2 songs were morphed into one. It doesn’t flow smoothly imo. Does anyone else feel the same or is it just me? Edit: honestly it sounds kinda like 3 songs morphed into one. 1) the verses 2) the chorus (“happiness is a butterfly”) and 3) the post-chorus (“I said don’t be a jerk”). The chorus and post-chorus flow better together than the verses and choruses, but they each could be parts of a separate song imo.
  5. I fawned over Lana's performances in 2011-2012 on YouTube, and I was always dying to see her live. She finally came here at the beginning of last year and I skipped coming. Tickets were expensive, there were mixed reviews, and people said she only performed for like an hour and a half. Plus, it was a big show, and I hate big concerts. 2012-2014 me would've died at the fact that I skipped seeing her live, but this thread only reinforces that I made a good decision. I also was accounting for the fact that I'd probably enjoy her music more listening to it on my own in my preferred settings than waiting in line at a concert, trying to get as close as possible, dealing with annoying teen girls and gays (sorry, not sorry), spending a bunch of money and only to see her perform for an hour or two that might not even be that good of a performance.
  6. I don't think I've had many songs that I didn't like at first but then came to like. I think I stay pretty consistent except I might have the opposite problem. There are a lot of times that I love songs at first but then I don't care for them anymore. 13 Beaches is an example. On first listen, that was one of her best songs to me. Now I rarely listen to it. I still like it, but it's not as good as I thought it once was.
  7. Norman fucking Rockwell - 15 (+) Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 19 California - 19 Bartender - 69 (-) Why are you dinging Godman Fucking Rockwell? Traitor to your username!
  8. This is SO hard for me because I can recognize that some albums are objectively better than others, but I might personally prefer the vibe of one over another, I might have certain memories attached to certain albums, I might really like one album but be rarely in the mood for it, and some albums are better as a whole but others have certain songs I prefer over entire other albums. Lana is the only artists I struggle to do this with. Norman Fucking Rockwell! Ultraviolence Born to Die Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant Honeymoon Lust for Life Paradise
  9. I'm almost not even looking forward to White Hot Forever because I don't know how this album can be topped. One of the best albums of all time and I don't say that often or easily.
  10. I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the past week and I’ve only been able to decide that: Blonde by Frank Ocean Norman Fucking Rockwell! are my top 2 favorite albums of all time. I can’t decide between the two either. Sorry, I tried picking 10 and I couldn’t do it.
  11. I was on a road trip last weekend. I was driving during the transition from evening to dusk to night. I was on country roads and a storm was looming in the near distance with heavy storm clouds and lightning flashing. The contrast of dark gray stormy skies and golden plains paired with barns and old houses in the distance was stunning. At the same time, I was listening to NFR, and let me tell you, it was one of the most gorgeous experiences.
  12. Norman Fucking Rockwell is the best intro song to any of her albums. Born to Die is one of my favorite songs of her's and all of the other albums have pretty good intro songs, but nothing compares to NFR. Strings come in, get you curious, then here comes a kind of cheery, pretty piano. Then finally, "God damn, man child..." And then you're kinda just sitting there giggling or at least smirking. Next comes, "You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you.'" DAAAAMNNN okay! The melodies are beautiful, the lyrics are funny, the piano is perfect for setting the mood. Definitely one of my new favorite songs of her. I'm still blown away.
  13. I love Melodrama, but NFR deserves to have a higher score on Metacritic.
  14. I think this album might be my favorite, and objectively, it's definitely her best. She's ironed out all of her other weaknesses that were in her past albums. None of her albums sound this mature or refined. There aren't any fillers, and I'm finding it hard to choose just one, or even two, favorites off the album because it's so strong. I have no qualms about AKA. I love how unique and fun it is, and I think it's a strong album, but it is a tiny bit forgettable sometimes. BTD had really strong singles, but the rest of the album was kinda messy and immature sounding. UV is great, but it's just so dark that it's hard for me to really listen to anymore. I have to be in a mood for that album. Honeymoon was also very good and not as dark as UV, but it was rare that I ever got past The Blackest Day because it's just tiring for me. I liked LFL a lot when it came out because it was lighter, but now it just seems like a messy hodge-podge. It isn't cohesive and kinda sounds immature compared to UV and Honeymoon. I do think though that LFL showed a necessary experimentation where she played with new sounds and old sounds and it got refined to what it is in NFR.
  15. It's so hard to follow any sort of Lana news on this forum anymore if you're not constantly following. She released 2 new songs and there aren't even threads about it that I can find. Now everyone's talking about the poetry book again and I can't figure out why.
  16. You know, this album was my shit for the couple months after it came out and now I never listen to it. Pretty much the only songs I ever listen to are White Mustang and Cherry. This has to be my least favorite album she’s released except maybe Paradise which I also never listen to anymore. They’re probably tied for me in last place.
  17. Ok I haven't been keeping up at all. Is Lana still planning on releasing this album? Has there been any news about it in the past couple months? Anyone know why it's taking so long?
  18. Who thought it was a good idea to release the first single for the album 8 months, at the absolute minimum, before its release?
  19. These mature lyrics on Hope that aren’t her stereotypical repeated tropes are very refreshing
  20. Guess I’m the only one who loves the HIAB and HTD snippets
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