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Posts posted by DarkParadise

  1. I didn't find them on the internet tho. They were sent direct to me... Anyway, do you have that Debenhams zip yet? 


    Yes I do.

  2. No, but I have them. Maybe I'll post them soon. 


    Don't worry - I've got them; just wanted to know if they were out yet. Also I might post a list of all my Foxes files cos I don't know what's leaked yet if everyone wouldn't mind helping me.

  3. I thought for sure that I was already following your blog but I guess not! Following now ;)


    I followed yours. I'm theteenagetigercat.

  4. I'm officially going to make my Ellie Goulding blog an Ellie Goulding/Foxes blog so if you don't mind seeing some photos of Ellie on your dash, follow me: digginforgould.tumblr.com


    Then make sure you follow foxescubs.tumblr.com cos I run dat sh*t

  5. Tbh the demo/sampler version of Holding Onto Heaven is better to me. That fucking music box thing in the final version annoys me so much because it's played through the chorus' too.


    I know what you mean - I had the demo since the beginning of December last year so when it came out 2 weeks later on iTunes with that irritating sounds, I was like.... no.

  6. yeah its from her "loui rose" days

    along with a bunch of others like The Long Way Home, Cowboys and Indians and X-Ray Vision (and more but i can't be bothered to list them)

    and before you ask, no i don't have them. only a one or two people do


    It's only me who has them - although I don't have Cowboys and Indians as of yet. Hearts and Daggers, Like Foxes Do and Adam and Eve all came from me.

  7. the amount of outtakes for glorious that we will never hear is depressing 


    I don't consider there to be any outtakes, I mean it's her first album, technically that would make everything she wrote before it an outtake? It is what it is and it's perfect.

  8. At least a year, it's not a good idea to push another out so soon


    That's what I mean; at least there won't be a massive delay. Unless they start sending out the album samplers now... ;)

  9. The Hangover is pure perfection. She's written a lot of decent tracks, I'm sure the second album/a re-release will be just around the corner.

  10. I don't like Nocturnes. It feels like wasted time. She just scrapped a whole new opportunity to put out something bigger than what she did with her debut album.


    But that's the whole point, her label basically made the first album for her. She's now making music she's happy and comfortable with and it's brilliant.

  11. Beat Of Your Heart was an album made up by a fan with a lot of her unreleased material, named after the lyrics in Beat Beat.


    Also, Nocturnes is utter perfection. Standout tracks are Confusion, All For You and Beat Beat.

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