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Everything posted by Kattenkarlsson

  1. This is just another sign that journalists within mainstream media - of course particulary within the entertainment field, has lost all interest in any serious criticism. Then of course the journalist in question here never heard about Walt Whitman nor Allen Ginsberg. We cannot expect them to judge any work of art against anything but what they know about. And really I almost prefer it this way. At least we can discuss and try to judge the merit of Lanas work.
  2. Thank you. Even if somewhat unrelated to the thread, I hope you are correct, even if I (rather selfishly) rather belong to a minority - but that can be discussed in an off-topic thread maybe. But of course Swedish people took the Cedric Gervais version of Summertime to dance floors - I sincerely do not hope this is what Lana will be known for in Sweden..
  3. Love your analysis in regards to Clockwork Orange. Maybe we can expect of her philosophical persona in the new material?
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