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Posts posted by #glimmeringdarling

  1. I say I live in Rosemead, really I’m at the Ramada.. it doesn’t really matter, doesn’t really really matter !


    Look at me now, I have everything
    You gave to me and my heart can sing
    I was a kid who could only drink
    Dance on tables, making deals with devils
    Like a drunk beauty queen
    Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene
    And it brought me to my knees
    And it's all because of you

  2. You know after a few good listens I’ve really come to be impressed with how Lana’s Melodie’s and lyric structure kinda make it difficult to sing along because the songs are more like diary entries.. it’s like these songs were for her on her terms, more than any of her other ones. She is telling her own story in a way where we have no choice but to listen and I think it’s really beautiful.. now with some of these songs, I hear stories of points in her life.. detailed stories.. that Lana holds near and dear to her heart… it’s really cool. For sure no artist is doing it like her.. also really like the new found use of the word ‘daddy’ she went from calling toxic men to actually talking to her father in ‘Kintsugi’ for example. So much growth. I feel like a lot of these confessions/stories bring light to a lot of laptop demos and concepts as well.. when I heard the 15 year old part in ‘Fingertips’ I automatically thought of ‘Bentley’ .. and even ‘Boarding School’ ..not easy stuff to ever talk about or come to terms with so I’m glad she’s at peace enough as an artist and woman to become one with her traumas.. really cool.so proud of her.. also love how Candy Necklace is masking something real dark…

  3. I personally think this surprise could be 

    an acting debut in abels show or multiple songs on the soundtrack 

    Music collaboration with a well known artist

    documentary ? Movie involvement/production 

     Maybe something with Tarantino... 


    not sure but anything that would make boz at all any excited would probably have to be something somewhat mainstream..

  4. I actually like the song.. it’s like she had to let go of the strong woman ‘I’m your man’ and dive back into the ‘I’m nothing without you’.. I like that she’s letting her hair back down, you can tell she’s having a hard time being openly vulnerable again.. but she said fuck it.. I hear the melody from Old Money the ‘Ill run run run’ it has that reminiscent energy. You can tell it was written by the same waters that inspired Mariners.. it sounds like IYLDWM and LMLYLAW.. but it’s coming straight from the honest heart of Lana as a lost woman.. we are all lost, hell.. the choir in the back brings a lot of soul which I like.. it actually takes a lot for an artist to want to use somebody else’s voice/voices in their art.. you can tell she’s tired of doing it all on her own... she’s relied on friends and family in BB, she’s relied on lovers that have abandoned here, substance usage/addictions, a mother that probably neglected her..those issues are real.. you can tell she’s trying to see the light which is never easy and putting it all on display is very commendable ..

  5. I think wildflower wildfire was not a good example of what her and Mike dean could do.. which sucks so I really hope there’s more in store. Mike is such a solid dude, extremely talented. I think they have great chemistry in the studio, I think he could really pull an intense part of lana out.. she’s too comfy with Jack and I could tell she’s more dominant with him.. cause he’s more of a pushover ..

  6. Idk why the album is getting so much praise .. one minute songs to me are INSANE... and uh this shit is really lackluster .. seems like she didn’t even try..

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