1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey I think it was early 2011 I found Kinda Outta Luck on youtube and I literally spent all night listening to her stuff
2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music Kill Kill
3: Favorite Lana hairstyle Bleached blonde from the aka lizzy grant era
4: Favorite live performance London Jazz Cafe
5: Favorite lyric 'you know it, and i know it, i'm gonna be a star, you won't get me very far'
6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? nope
7: Favorite facial feature her lips
8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? I feel like she doesn't put enough effort into live performances
9: Have you ever met Lana? no:(
10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Arctic Monkeys
11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? i'm a tiny bit obsessed
12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? Yes