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  1. Now I'm thinking about it I cannot believe how much of Sirens I have in my "Lana collection" Trying Tonight All You Need Out With a Bang I'm Indebted to You Pride For K
  2. Tropico gave me love for Bel Air. Carmen is a recent like as well, before I wasn't feeling it.. now the lyrics - emotions, I like. Off to The Race's I've lost love for, just because urgh bad memories.
  3. I am new to LanaBoards. I was just wondering, what are your opinions on the whole Lorde's view on Lana Del Rey? She said - She added: “She’s great, but I listened to that Lana Del Rey record and the whole time I was just thinking it’s so unhealthy for young girls to be listening to, you know: “I’m nothing without you.” This sort of shirt-tugging, desperate, don’t leave me stuff. “That’s not a good thing for young girls, even young people, to hear." "What really got me is this ridiculous, unrelatable, unattainable opulence that runs throughout. Lana Del Rey is always singing about being in the Hamptons or driving her Bugatti Veyron or whatever, and at the time, me and my friends were at some house party worrying how to get home because we couldn’t afford a cab." I've also heard she listening to Video Games and other Lana tracks She was listening to a lot of rap and hip-hop-influenced music, especially Lana Del Rey, while writing. Lorde has mentioned that "all those references to expensive alcohol, beautiful clothes and beautiful cars – I was thinking, ‘This is so opulent, but it’s also bullshit.’" But then I feel like I read somewhere else she was really inspired by Lana's writing.. I discovered Lana and Lorde the same way, as little videos on the side of a YouTube page, both posting tracks independently with a few thousand views. I find them both so similar. I feel like Lana writes just like Lorde did in Royals, mocking the glamour. I feel like all of them are mocking the glamour (Drake + Minaj). I just was surprise she took such a piercing bark at the music her generation listens to. Don't get me wrong, opinions are what I appreciate, and that realness. I just thought it came across a little hypocritical. Lana is "selling sex" not in a superficial give me money to harm your children, she is a lyricist. She is a true artist. Considering all mediums. I feel like Lorde is too. I love Lorde's music, my favorite tracks are Buzzcut Season Love Club 400 Lux Ribs Still Sane A World Alone etc etc etc I love it all. Just curious on how you guys felt when hearing about this. xxo
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