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Posts posted by Litty

  1. Lorde is a publicity hound. She loves being in the spotlight

    Yet she only had one album where all during the run-up to it, she name dropped Lana a million and one times then after she made it, seemed never to mention her again

    (used her then tossed her out like most people in Lana's life), Lorde just fired her management and is dating one person after another in the public eye ala Taylor Swift.

    The comparison is what??? No one will remember Lorde a few years from now. So she is using her Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame as long as possible.

    When she sings a song about Royals and then has a hit, much like the Clash found, whining about not having becomes hard to do when the public knows they know have. That is the problem

    Lorde has. Also, she is not unique so there is nothing overly special about her. She acts like she is a younger Lindsay Lohan.



    What?  None of that is remotely relevant to the actual conversation we're having.  We're only talking about the set lengths, and about how it's sad that someone with one album is performing longer sets than an established artist with four albums and 200 unreleased songs.  (In fact, the more specific conversation was about sponsorship's relation to set length, and how someone much less popular than Lana is still managing to put on longer shows.)   No one was defending or promoting Lorde as a general artist, or implying that she was special at all.

  2. Sponsorship it's not irrelevant because the complexity and the length of the show it's about money among other factors. Artists like Gaga, Taylor and Perry can put up a huge shows with a lot of people involved and in the same time they can keep the ticket prices reasonable. Lana is loved by many but she's not sufficiently mainstream to attract those sponsors for her shows.


    I criticized her for many things but the ES tour is good taking in account what I said before. But Lana has a different kind of artistry, her music isn't suited for dancers and costume changes, and if you are a fan you would understand that. If you are a casual concert goer I agree that you can be disappointed because of your unrealistic expectations from her show.


    I didn't say to worship her or not to express your opinion here, I said only to not go to her shows if you don't like it because I doubt that Lana will change her shows significantly. That's her, if you like it take it, if not leave it.


    I think you're missing the point about sponsors: no one saying she should have giant sets or costume changes (the sorts of things sponsors help provide for).  The only point of comparing her to Gaga/Katy/etc. was the show length, which has nothing to do with sponsorship.  The lack of sponsorship is not what prevents Lana from doing an 18 or 20 song show --  that's why someone like Lorde, who isn't playing 20,000 seat venues, can do one just fine.


    And I disagree with what you say about casual concert-goers -- they usually don't care how long the show is, because they just want to hear Summertime Sadness and Video Games.  But plenty of real Lana fans are very bummed about it, because they want to get a full performance out of their favorite artist.

  3. Those artists that you mentioned have huge sponsors behind their shows and you pay just a fraction of the costs of the show. Lana doesn't have that. People like you always vent their dissatisfaction on ticketmasters commentary section, trashing her show while, for example, she froze to death (in Chicago) just to be with people like you. She's not like Miley or Gaga, she's not an entertainer in that sense, and you could inform yourself before spending your money on her show. It's not like you lost a fortune, if you're not satisfied with her show don't go again it's that simple.  


    The cost of the show/sponsorship is completely irrelevant to whether or not Lana puts on an adequate show.  And this is a discussion board, where people, you know, discuss things, so "shut up and don't go if you don't like it" isn't a very constructive response.  Or would you prefer people only talk about Lana when they're worshiping her?

  4. Keep the customer wanting more.

    And for the relatively cheap price of the tickets (the GA tickets are some of the cheapest for a major star), one is more than getting their money worth.


    Gordon Lightfoot never did encores and shows were always short.


    And many of the songs are long, so basically 13 longer songs=25 songs if the songs were all three minutes.

    The show is compact. Non stop. No encore, but no waste of 20 minutes waiting for someone to come back for the encore and the waste of time of changing clothes while

    the backup singers and band perform.


    Also, it is not stadiums or arena, where the majority of the names you listed are playing longer shows.


    The Beatles played if lucky, about 30 minutes on their first couple of tours, and really, this is only Lana's 2nd US tour.

    Most 1960s artists in their prime played short shows.

    And Pet Clark and Nancy Sinatra didn't even do an hour at their solo shows.

    And many also do medley's of five or six songs strung together.


    With all due respect,


    1) it's not the 1960s anymore.


    2) you complain about artists who stop the show to change outfits, what about artists who stop the show for 15 mins to take selfies with the front row?  Just as bad...

  5. She was in the Detroit area tonight to a 15,000+ audience, and she was BRILLIANT. Anyone complaining about Grimes or a 13 song set can HUSH because man, she was brilliant.  Grimes was fun and a nice way to open, and Lana was insanely good. Gorgeous vocals and a kicker stage-set.  I loved the NYC look. 13 songs is A LOT OF SONGS - I sang myself almost hoarse just singing along; I can't imagine how anyone does more than that and manages to still tour. She's perfect. It was about an hour and a half and I loved every second. 


    I'm glad you had fun, but 13 songs is ridiculously short for a major headlining artist, and people have a right to complain -- it is in no way "a lot of songs."  Gaga, Katy, Miley, etc. all perform 20-25 songs when they headline -- and whatever you think of them as artists, they give the fans their money's worth.    I've never in my life seen another headliner only perform 13 songs.  It's pretty sad that someone who's barely been around like Lorde performs longer concerts than Lana does...

  6. Is she still only singing a 13 song set?  :uh:


    according to setlist.fm she's cut Us Against The World from the last couple of shows, leaving just a 13 song set.  Pretty pitiful for a headlining act playing 20,000 seat venues...

  7. eww what do you want her to have?? back up dancers?? new stage costumes every 2 songs?? please no, thats not lana. i feel like her performances are fine they just need a little more confidence, but she has grown so stop complaining!


    No, I want her to put on a performance that lasts more than 13 or 14 songs -- something those back-up dancer/costume change artists that you make fun of have managed to figure out.  When you see Lana, you hardly get your money's worth, at least compared to every other major headlining artist in her genre.  It's pretty sad that even fucking Lorde (who has one album and has been out like a year) plays longer shows than a multi-platinum, multi-album star like Lana.  She's pretty lazy when it comes to her performances, and pointing that out is a perfectly legit "complaint."

  8. Oh and prepare to not-see-anything because people are more worried about getting pics/videos on their Iphones/Ipads/Selfiesticks than actually enjoying the concert.


    This x1000.  Your view will inevitably be blocked by a hundred assholes holding up their phones for the entire show...

  9. At one point some one in the band asked Lana something and she said "maybe, we'll see.. maybe" and she glanced at the crowd then went into the next song, I was hoping for something special but we ended up not even getting to see her perform YCBTB or DR. That was a bit of a bummer but I feel like Lana possibly wasn't feeling comfortable at the venue cos she usually smokes on stage but didn't this time, and she also didn't interact as much with fans. Her performance was beautiful, overall and I can't wait to see her again. 


    I doubt it was your specific show, I'm pretty sure she's skipped YCBTB at every show but the first, and she's skipped DR at several shows too.

  10. I feel like it would be so chaotic to meet her after the show at the bowl  :toofunny: 20k people. I have one more question lol, i dont really go to seated concerts, so how hard do you think it would be for me to move up to an empty seat (hopefully ~the front...). Im currently in the middle section of the bowl which isnt too bad. Should i wait till like half time, when courtney is over, etc. Im nervous for tomorrow lol


    It totally depends on the venue security, I think.  I was in the front section of the bowl, and the security was there all night to check tickets going in/out.  So it would have been pretty impossible to move up to our section without a ticket.  (Unless you got physical snuck by them.)  But things may be different at your show. 


    Have a great time!

  11. She did perform 5 songs from UV.  I missed "Old Money" though; I wish she had performed that.


    Since "Florida Kilos" and "Flipside" are both bonus tracks, I doubt we'll ever see those live.  FMWUTTT has probably been replaced by one of her unreleased songs.  I don't know if PWYC or SG were ever performed live.  But some things have to give to make room for the new stuff.  She only performed one song from Paradise for this tour so far, which was "Cola."  "Summertime Sadness" and "Video Games" are staple songs for her; I'm sure she'll always perform those, as well as "Born To Die."  She may eventually dump "Blue Jeans" from the set list in favor of more unreleased stuff, or "Honeymoon" songs after that album comes out (for her next tour, of course, not this one).


    That's the thing, she doesn't *need* to move anything to make room for new songs -- she could just increase her setlists to a reasonable size for a proper headlining act.  It's sort of ridiculous to only perform 14 or 15 songs when you're an established artist headlining ~20,000 seat venues.  When her peers go on tour they perform ~25 songs at the same venues...

  12. The show was amazing.  Courtney rocked it, and had a really good sense of humor about everything.  Lana sounded incredible -- I don't know if she's been taking vocal lessons or is just more comfortable, but she sounded 100 times better than when she was in Phoenix last year.  The only disappointment was that she didn't do You Can Be the Boss.  She also didn't do Why Don't You Do Right.  But still, an amazing night.

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