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Everything posted by LanaDelKitty

  1. LanaDelKitty

    New US Tour!

    Can I just say that the Philly show sold out in minutes, and hundreds of tickets did not go to fans at all! Scalpers have already started selling back tickets at $105. I know it's hard to control, but something more should be done for scalpers. You can find most the venue's sold tickets on these sites then from fans actually buying them. It's stealing and the fans have to pay for it.
  2. Okay, so VIP will get you first access to the stage and a special gateway from back and forth into the pit. I've done VIP at this venue before thats how it works. Being up front helps, but our best bet is to go to the tour busses which are located by a back road kinda behind the stage to the right. Lana always talks to her fans as much as possible at events, so since she's a headliner she should be able to have the time to see everybody. We will just have to wait...
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