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Nightmare Boy Online

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Posts posted by Nightmare Boy Online

  1. I always thought Lana was a little out if Barrie's league. The new guy is pretty good looking but he probably isn't a great singer. Barrie's music is awesome. Is that song "I see her smiling" an original from him? Will it be on his album?

    Yes it is an original which from the lyrics it must be about Lana. (I see us in headlines wasted away, me and then you). Unfortunately it's not included in the album.

  2. I can't believe that this thread turned out to be a thread about sex and whether having sex with a lot of lovers is bad or good lol


    Lana gave a very interesting interview, which i personally enjoyed. Her last interviews where all pretty much the same questions so this was a good change.


    I don't care about Lana's sex life. Everyone is free to do what they want who are we to judge Lana? What i din't like is what a read on the internet after i read the interview. I mean she had previously had so much critisize for the i wish i was dead thing she said, which obviusly from her reaction it was something that she didn't like. Why did she make a statement like this? I am not talking about stating that she has slept with many guys, she is not the first nor the last artist to admit it. But saying she slept with guys in the idustry but none of them helped her, which is annoying? She is destroying what she built after the snl. I have read terrible things about her on the internet over the past 2 days and i am sad and mad with those people. But Lana herself gave them the right to tell this things..


    Personally i don't think she meant it, i think she was being sarcastic, explaining what her song meant. But the media seems to hate her she could avoid this. I just hope all this new hate won't bring her down.

  3. A quick update for those still interested in Barrie's work. Barrie has signed at BMG


    He was recording last week at 4th street recordings with Jim Abbiss as producer (who previously worked with Kasabian, Adele, Arctic monkeys, Bjork etc)


    And his album is done. Nic Harcourt tweeted about his album



  4. it came straight from her mouth. u might be biased tbh

    Yes i understand that. I mean about the translate. I don't speak German so.. i just stated facts. It doesnt make sence to me. In all of her previous interviews she always spoke about Barrie and now she sais they broke up. Why would she speak about him then?

  5. Are we sure about that? Well Barrie went to Glasgow for a family wedding at the end of April that's why Lana was always alone in the photos, and hasn't returned to USA yet but that makes sense since Lana was on a tour so they couldn't spend much time together. Also when travelling to the other side of the world it's common to spend about a month there especially when you are going home there's a lot of people you want to see. Also Barrie travelled to London the same day as Lana arrived in London. Why would he go if they had broke up? Also they both have profile pictures together on facebook, when you broke up with someone you delete the photos you don't keep them as profile photos! Also about Brooklyn baby, Scottie Diablow who is Lana's friend and Barrie's manager, wrote in his facebook that Barrie does the backup vocals. Who said it's not Barrie?

  6. 1) I believe that Black Beauty is definately about Barrie so i don't have to analyze any sentence because all of them describe Barrie :D
    2) Shades of cool
    -My baby lives in shades of blue and all the other times she refers to Blue : Blue is the colour of sadness and depression which clearly fits to Barrie
    -But I can't fix him, can't make him better And I can't do nothing about this strange weather : She can't do anything to change him and make him better = take him out of his depression . Maybe weather could be about his strange mood or about Scotlands weather compared to LA?

    -I can't break through your world: She said that Barrie has his own world so that makes him a very dark person and makes it difficult for them to get along.
    Obviously the rest about the Chevy Malibu etc aren't about Barrie. They could reffer to someone else and she have mixed them to create the song or could be completely taken from her imagination.
    3) West Coast
    -But you've got the music, you've got the music in you, don't you? + Boy blue : This could also be about Barrie (not the song) 

  7. I'm glad they're allegedly still together...I was starting to think maybe they broke up. Kind of interesting how he was never spotted with her while she was just back in LA and how she was spending her time at the Chateau instead of with him at their home. I wish them well- I hope they stay together.

    Oh and if anyone has the full Sun article or a link to it, I would love to read it!!

    It's because Barrie was at Glasgow over the past month! I believe he joined her now in the europian tour

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