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About neonchemtrails

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  • Birthday July 14

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    lil peep
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  1. ignore me Mod note: User has been warned and put on mod queue for asking where to find leaked material.
  2. hi guys ! sorry I haven't kept up with this thread but do we know when the video for white dress is dropping?
  3. Lana has a right to defend herself, and speak on the hate she gets from everyone. She is very divisive, and people hate her for no reason, even before QFTC, when I would tell people I loved Lana, I would usually get negative comments about how she's "fake", or a bad singer, or boring. For years (her whole career) she has been dragged for almost no legit reason.
  4. hmmm, as a Mexican fan, I always saw lana show love to POC, even if some people felt like she was stealing from our culture, like when she appeared chola in gods and monsters, or like recently when she wore her flannel with the top button done, which I loved, I always saw it as her showing appreciation for the culture... that's all I can speak on as a latino POC lol
  5. Hey guys! I am so fascinated in the public reception of Lana, and her words, and career... since the start of her career, she's been super divisive and controversial, and things seemed to have cooled down post LFL and during NFR, but then QFTC happened and now we're here today lol. I think the way Complex ran with that singular quote and tried to spin it a negative way is telling in regards to how Lana will from now on will be perceived, and I think the chatter and dialogue surrounding race, and so forth, will continue to... plague (?) her and her work... If you simply google her name, so many articles come up with "tone deaf comments" or "race issue", and not so much any writing regarding her new song... What do you guys think?
  6. Oh wow, that's interesting... I have been wondering how the album is going to be received by the general public, and also if she says anything controversial in the songs of the album... maybe like if she touches upon QFTC or something
  7. Hi guys! I was wondering how you all think COCC is going to be received and what the reaction is going to be considering 2020 has been such a controversial year for Lana... probably the most divisive and polarizing time for her and her career. I am super excited for the album but I am really curious to see what the public's reaction is going to be and how this whole era will unfold for her. Thoughts?
  8. its not, you're just used to manufactured fake celebrities who run with the PC narrative that the media provides
  9. if you get influenced by a celebrity it’s natural selection at this point
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