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Posts posted by Bootynugget




    The happiest track on Born to Die is another collaboration with songwriter Justin Parker dedicated to those guys who told Del Rey she would never make it as a singer.


    “How do you like me now?” :legend:



    I missed this one but this is the song that really got me into Lana and it holds a special place in my heart <3 

    "Now my life is sweet like cinnamon"

  2. Short semi spoken intro, something about "someone/something giving her great power". Then everything turned dramatic - lots of strings. Vocals similar to TIME. Lyrics about self-doubt and a lyric similar to "keep your eyes closed until you can see what I see". Violin-solo at tge end of the track, very classic (similar to the TIME piano-solo). Then an outro with disorted vocals a la Human

    Kill me now, I hope someone somewhere saved it or the same person reuploads it again :crying:

    edit: fucc I just realized Sevdaliza put it up I hope she puts it up again soon

  3. Terrorism is a serious issue, and not all Muslims are terrorists, but guess what, all terrorists are Muslim -- I really don't see anything wrong with what hes proposed, it is neither irrational or unfair. He clearly stated many times, his policies regarding Muslims are temporary anyway.


    The Islam of North America is drastically different to the Islam of the middle East and African countries. I know this from Muslim friends I have.


    It is a matter of security, not race. Simple as that.

    I know I'm far back and I don't get into these things but, honestly, how do you just not stop and cringe at a comment like this? How does it feel to be arguing about politics when you don't even have enough sense to fully understand it yourself? Like @TBD said, do you know about the KKK? Cause it was and still is a big deal. It's sad and you need to educate yourself. This is a true "I'll pray for u kathi" situation, you just dumb af hunny. 


    because Muslims shot up and bombed Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Columbine Sandy Hook, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Lulaby's, Century 16... I could go on for days 


  4. OTTR is one of the best songs I've ever heard and probably the best I've heard from her. The amount of lyrics and storyline she puts in one song is crazy :crying4: literally everytime I hear it, it takes me on a trip. The bridge (I had to look up if it's the bridge because I don't know how to break down songs yet but the lyric that starts with "My old man is a thief, and..." and ends with "As you do now, my man") is the best thing I've ever heard and is so meaningful. I love

    Off To The Races so much.

  5. SZA


    "Long live lonely thoughts on a Thursday night, that's when I think of you" still gets me everytime I listen to it, it's one of my favorite lyrics.
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