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Posts posted by derangedmanic

  1. I still don't know what she means with "Seen so much, you could get the blues / But that don't mean that you should abuse it"


    I interpreted blues as xanax but then again xanax comes in different colours. Who knows honestly, Lana uses the word blue so many times in her songs they probably all have different meanings.   :eek:

  2. The beat drop especially throws me off, because the drop kind of indicates we are moving away from the vibe of the verses and exploring harder/faster territory, but Lana's vocals and the production in the chorus sounds just too soft and mellow to really justify that excitement and false promise that comes from the drop. It's like the equivalent of driving slowly and calmly, then revving up the engine only to go just 10 mph faster, before dropping the speed back down to its original place. It doesn't offer that same rush when holding back.

    The transition was something The Blackest Day excelled at and I do think BAR's structure is reminiscent to that of TBD somewhat. Also is it just me that thinks the verses and pre-chorus in BAR might be reflective of the early Joan Baez influence that Lana had in the early stages of the LDR5's conception? It's just so good.

  3. thats great and all but the bottom line is the general public who has no experience in accessing music from online databases wouldn't know what where or how to look for songs unless they had learned over time. Additionally other material not having to do w rick is leaked to the general public technically through that group chat on discord where members from this site use to distribute material. There HAS TO BE A RAT OR A FAULTY LINK ON HER TEAM THAT LETS THIS HAPPEN. I am sorry but we can't keep blaming "bad security" for this when there has been many things leaked besides his stuff. There is someone on the discord chat who has unlimited access to her new and unfinished material and then takes it and distributes it to the general public through that discord and since those people cant keep their trap shut they send it to all their littles friends to act exclusive. I have been speaking against this since I made my account. THERE ARE PEOPLE ON HERE INVOLVED IN THE ILLEGAL SPREADING OF MATERIAL. This will not end until they are punished by law. There has been many times i reach out to both ben and ed and I never got a response. Oh well. As far as i'm concerned I warned everyone who is in the chat (you know who you are) if from this point forward something leaks that was in your possession I will rat you out. This is a promise.

    Yaaas I smell someone getting a Pulitzer Prize.

  4. Oh my god I love it. Don't know why people don't think this song is pretentious. I mean the lyrics are so deliberately pretentious. She explicity references singing Lou Reed, her fucking 'rad/rare' jazz collection which can play almost anything, getting 'down' to the poetry of the Beat Generation and how she talks about "my generation" and "a newer nation". 



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