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Posts posted by andruexcx

  1. that new photo on her social of her with the bowser bracelets i SWEAR if thats the album cover shoot she’s gonna top everything shes ever done for an album cover

  2. 8 minutes ago, Heartmachine said:

    The way most people can’t just have fun with their music… ??

    see? and thats the thing. i don’t understand why everything has to be so serious with music these days. people just love to hate cuz its easy whereas if i was a local and people played Charli’s music at a party it would be so much fun. especially Good Ones

  3. that performance pissed me off. bunch of dumb locals who didnt know who charli was just booed her in the comments the whole time and said she was ugly and talentless and making fun of her dancing and her trying to wake up the crowd. but listen like if you were charli who doesnt get recognized by the general public anymore having to perfom to about 75 people standing there thinking they were gonna see addison rae perform, what else would you do?? she was trying to have fun like she does with every performance, and the crowd was dead. thats not her fault, and the majority of the people who were on the live watching was people who wanted to see addison rae and were just giving hate comments like….maam if you dont like something, turn it off. not that hard. i genuinely think people have to have something or someone to make fun of or be mean to in order to give them joy in life. it’s disgusting. idk why this irritated me as much as it did but im heated rn, i feel bad for charli although she probs wont see any of the comments, but being a fan watching this was just extremely unfair

  4. idk bout you guys but What You Want sounds more along the lines of Good Ones than Dont Think Twice does. Dont Think Twice sounds like HIFN/Charli/Pop 2, not Good Ones 

  5. omg prepare for the influx of locals who love Good Ones after hearing it on the radio and then they start looking at Charli’s previous works and then they think they’ve “discovered” Number 1 Angel or Pop 2 since they’re old lol

  6. yall the fact that shes Number 1 and on the cover of A List Pop on Apple Music, and Out Out is in there too, and so is the 911 Remix, and shes also in New Music Daily at the top, Out Out in going Top 5 in UK, shes trending worldwide on youtube, she’s really coming. its so amazing to see that shes getting the coins because for the longest time we told people she had the potential to be big cuz of her brain but everyone was like Charli XCX who??? and now look. mark my words, this era is gonna be big for her

  7. 22 hours ago, andruexcx said:

    who’s gonna be there with me at the LA show???(if i get the tix of course?) i’ll be on my own and i need sum friends?

    Well this didnt age well. went on at exactly 10 am and literally sold out and got put on a waitlist within 10 seconds. freakin garbage

  8. does anyone have a clean version of Number 1 Angel and Pop 2? I got the opportunity to play my own music at a grocery store i work at in the night time and i figured the general public deserves to hear these mixtapes.

  9. lowkey interested in seeing how Charli rolls out her next era. cuz like she said she wanted to do Janet album Sept of this year and then another quick album in Dec and then she ended up doing an album in May instead and now we’re approaching Dec pretty quickly. i wonder if she’ll drop something soon

  10. the top 3 on Charli for me:


    Next Level Charli

    Cross You Out

    Silver Cross/Warm


    i mean NLC is the perfect opener, lyrics on point,  total jam. Cross You Out is probs one of Charli’s greatest, a total scream the lyrics out loud moment, lyrics also hit very close to home with me. and the Sky collab?? like the genius. Silver Cross i have no words, i hve such a personal connection with that song that its unreal, but also Warm is a flawless song. everything about it screams pop masterpiece, started off not liking it, but it became the best song on Charli. the outro is heavenly and the beat is immaculate. ngl Charli is lowkey a masterpiece and she really wasnt kidding when she said the best pop album ever. she one upped it with HIFN, but thats a diff story


  11. when pink diamond is your alarm sound in the morning and you wake up feeling like someone is trying to kill you lol good times! what a way to start the week omf

  12. Dua's dropping a Future Nostalgia remix album and was hanging with Tove and Charli earlier.. Hallucinate ft. Charli XCX I would like to see it


    i can see Charli on Pretty Please!!!

  13. The absolute genius of Charli saying “i dont fully really understand it yet” in Enemy and then the next song is “I finally Understand” HIFN really is her best album huh

  14. “I know that look inside my eyes MEANS ALWAYSSS, even if we fall apart split TWO WAYSSSS” :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:

    never gonna stop saying that 7 Years is the best of HIFN

  15. Is it just me or does part of Enigma completely rip off Dua Lipa's Hallucinate?


    I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING. I KNEW IT. both songs are still bops but oh my godddd i thought i was just trippin

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