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Posts posted by Dum-Dum

  1. the pre chorus in boys will be boys sounds like another song i can’t remember it. it’s like ....whyyyyy do we ....so much. if anybody knows tell me it’s annoying me


    anyways. that album is good not great. i think i had highs expectations cause the singles are EXCELLENT. only song that annoyed me was good in bed everything else is really fun especially love again imo

  2. this is me just like imagining. but the way deaton and dan funk have like a *similar* sound to the garage sounding snippet she posted. if that’s like the direction she’s going sonically that’s would be soooooooooooo cool cause it’s something we’ve never really heard from her. and if she’s doing that sound. planet 1999 have a similar sound and they’re signed to pc music already and she worked with them for feb 2017. that would totally fit in that area of sound. anyways i’m getting carried away but that would be so cool i think

  3. the way i literally just discovered deaton chris anthony twenty minutes ago. and he has a pic on insta with charli from janurary she would sound sooooooo good on one of his beats i think

  4. HAIM

    So are we excited for WIMPIII?

    absolutely. every song has been excellent so far. and the steps is soooooo good i haven’t been obsessed with a haim song like this in a while so i’m gonna stan on this one

  5. is the ITZY song like a song we already knew about or have heard in some way? someone on twitter saying it’s from 2015 and i’m like ... how do we know that?

  6. i wonder when she'll drop her next single

    i was thinking this the other day cause we were getting fed regularly and now it’s quiet. but i feel like her next song has to be THAT song cause she has a rep for being excellent now and i feel like she’s like in a second peak right now. so i feel like a new song isn’t coming that soon. my guess would be like end of q2 or q3

  7. i played CDG and XS in my car today and my friend said the songs sound cheap. and i think that’s what’s throwing me off this era cause the songs sounds very like diy artist (especially stfu) if that makes sense and the Rina EP sounds like very well produced and these new songs don’t. well that’s all

  8. omg i listened to dance 4 u today for the first time in a while .......WHEEWWWWWW the excellence. the outro of her literally just saying justin bieber ...literally obsessed

  9. Why shouldn't she?

    it just seems random that’s all. and i remember somebody asked her about the song when she was doing rare stuff and she said that the song wasn’t where she’s at anymore or something

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