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Everything posted by AllForYou

  1. AllForYou


    the first one was a c-section and the other two were surrogates because of the difficult pregnancy she had, that's why 2 + 3 are so close together. they're all ivf though. all elon's living children are.
  2. AllForYou


    i really hope she wins her court case. i've seen so much misogyny thrown at her, people outright saying she 'deserves it'. grimes has done plenty of things i don't agree with, but she doesn't 'deserve' for her 3 year old to be taken from her, taken to turkey and paraded in front of erdogan of all people. she doesn't deserve to have to beg to see him on twitter of all places as elon is ignoring her lawyers. likewise she didn't deserve for the father of her child to take a photo of her during an emergency c-section and for it to be sent to her father and brothers. she didn't deserve elon going behind her back and fathering twins with another woman whilst they already had a surrogate pregnant with their 2nd child. she didn't deserve to find out about these children when a surrogate was already pregnant with their 3rd child. ultimately she's up against someone with 'unlimited' money and was likely trying to make the best of it rather than fight it and probably lose. for anyone confused about the timeline of their children, X was born may 2020, exa was born december 2021 and tau was born june 2022; they were all ivf but the last 2 were born via surrogates. (also she said she's happy if her kids want to change their names when they grow up.)
  3. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    if you use a NZ (or any other country past midnight) vpn you can listen on YouTube 'you're not very good at driving you crashed into a bridge'
  4. honestly that was one of the weirdest parts of the L+F era, telling us not once but TWICE that her parents fucked/she was conceived in nagasaki, calling herself a ‘nagasaki baby’ girl you know that doesn’t make you Japanese right
  5. AllForYou

    Taylor Swift

    I completely agree with you, after all it doesn’t really hurt Taylor financially if she doesn’t make money off this type of royalty but for a smaller/indie artist this does make a difference. which is why I said I don’t think we should say something like ‘she’s a millionaire who cares’ because ultimately she’s shed a light on an issue that will help those smaller artists starting out (hope this makes sense)
  6. AllForYou

    Taylor Swift

    I understand where you’re coming from, but this is a slippery slope, the songs would not exist without her so she should get paid for them, she is almost a billionaire but I think she should still be paid for her work. like where do we draw the line? at what price point do we say ‘sorry you wrote this song but your net worth is x amount so you don’t deserve any money from it’ personally I don’t have a problem with her wanting money from this side of things, but I do have a problem with her (and any other artist!) releasing the same vinyl many times and not letting her, mostly young & teenage, fanbase make informed decisions about which ones they want because they’re behind a 48hr time limit (fomo) + other nuanced factors.
  7. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    her best lyrics to date
  8. AllForYou

    Taylor Swift

    agree, especially as this is being framed as sort of a 'moral' thing to do in the age of TikTok virtue signalling and cancel culture; supporting taylor swift to get back at the 'evil' scooter braun. she's really struck well with the marketing. don't get me wrong (aka don't attack me swifties) I think the re-recordings were a good idea and really shed a light on a problem (artists not properly owning the songs they write) but this cycle is really screaming cash grab, especially on the back of midnights releasing 4 vinyls to 'complete' an image of a clock, they didn't need to be vinyls she could have made really nice quality prints with a 'complete' version of the album with all the tracks on it. it's just encouraging more over consumption
  9. AllForYou


    pretty sure she's previously said she also has adhd, which would make sense why she picks up projects and gets bored of them very quickly, elon is also autistic so this is probably why they get on so well
  10. AllForYou


    oh I agree! I just meant I saw it coming, not that I don't believe her. I think being associated constantly as 'elon musk's (ex)girlfriend' has really sucked the joy out of it, she spent her whole career fighting sexism and disbelief she was doing it all herself, then it all came crumbling back down. (then compiling 2 kids and medical issues)
  11. AllForYou


    she's said something like this for a while, honestly I don't blame her she seems to get hate no matter what she does, so why bother continuing if it feels like the whole world hates you? she's got two kids and other interests she can pursue :/ edit: for clarification I was talking about her music career, not her political opinions
  12. the way he had to hide his entire instagram (apart from one post)
  13. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    the bottom of her shoe says ‘brat’ (she posted a picture to her official Instagram) looking forward to this…
  14. @LunaeManifestum unfortunately I misremembered, whoever leaked the pro tools deleted all of Gryffin's vocals takes and just left in marina's which is so funny to me, all the files are just her harmonies, so she doesn't have vocals on this official demo but I'm sure someone could make an unofficial demo demo instrumental: https://dbree.org/v/4d8bf6 gryffin solo demo: https://dbree.org/v/8bfb0a
  15. no for the final, that’s why someone could probably remake it (and why I said the Charli fandom probably would have done it already as whenever a different version of her songs leak they make the original super fast)
  16. the multitracks for that leaked too, so someone could make it? the difference between the charli fandom and the marina fandom is insane, they’ll remake her stuff in 0.2 seconds I’ll see if I can find it, it might have just been a demo instrumental/solo demo with just the guy I can’t remember
  17. most of them yeah: True, Karma, baby, STBS, EM, NMS, OT, HaHe, Superstar, EOTE pro tools for if I left the world leaked too, they have a demo in them
  18. we need someone talented in the thread to do something with the L+F stems that leaked and made absolutely no noise, like almost all of them leaked and no one cared, the entire L+F photoshoot leaked and no one cared, there are even a couple of snippets from songs that haven't leaked and no one cares
  19. in the froot era she said froot was originally 7ish minutes long, so of course everyone wanted it to know what the extra 2ish minutes were, then in 2020 she randomly played some of the demo in a workshop (starts around 1m in, I tried to just paste the youtube link but lanaboards did not like that for some reason) that subreddit is like... 90% polls and 'why doesn't anyone like love + fear, I like love + fear!'
  20. she was so dirty for teasing that and not dropping it on bandcamp or something
  21. AllForYou


    I hate to be one of those ‘the truth is somewhere in the middle’ people but I do think that’s the case here, 2018 seems to be the year of NDAs for grimes (and when she was publicly out with elon who also does bullshit NDAs), azealia also accused grimes of wanting her to sign an NDA and grimes ex, however grimes ex (who really hates her guts) says that despite how much they hate her, grimes really does produce/write all her own stuff so I don’t think this NDA is about the writing/production at all. chris gretti, who is actually poppy’s friend, came out and said poppy was lying and only him, grimes and hana wrote we appreciate power.
  22. I agree, but she has made some weird decisions especially in her self-admitted 'sellout era'. like spending so much of her music video budget on radioactive, which she called a promotional single and lowkey irrelevant to the album whilst she was on the promotional press run for the single she should have spent that money on primadonna's mv which is iconic in its own right but as music videos go radioactive's has replay value imo. (also iirc the vinyl mess was a lot of artists at the time, the factory they make vinyls in was seriously backed up on orders & it affected bigger artists than marina) (this isn't directed at you) but I see a lot of people seemingly act like marina's 'lack of (commercial) success' is 100% atlantic's fault or her management (I saw a lot of people blame jess for L+F when jess managed her during FROOT & came up with the froot of the month idea!) when it's really a combination of factors which includes marina.
  23. she might have pitched (like birds of prey) at least, idk if she would have actually gotten on it, pink convertible certainly wouldn’t, idk why people are deluding themselves about that
  24. strange to think if marina had one more album with atlantic she might have been on the barbie soundtrack.
  25. AllForYou


    collaboration. all the tracks this era have been written and produced with illangelo, WTTO was produced with anyma, I hope she has some solo songs this era
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