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Wild One

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Posts posted by Wild One

  1. AMIT

    Hey guys!


    I'm back with 2 new singles: "Take My Hand" and "I Love Myself".

    A commentary about those 2 tracks:


    "Take My Hand":

    A ballad talking about failed relationship.

    It talks about someone who tried his best to grab someone's attention and love but he never realized it was never love!

    What he felt towards him wasn't mutual so he felt neglected and unloved- wishing to be free and happy.



    "I Love Myself":

    This track is talking about the same guy.

    In this track he's full of anger, understanding that something's wrong.

    The chorus is written in an ironic way to grab his attention back.

    "I'm loving myself more than I love you" - is written ironically just to make him jealous of something as pity as this.

    He haven't gotten over this guy yet and that's why the music is dark.








  2. Very true.  Any country can always revive the economy , but you can NEVER revive the dead.

    Just look at what happened after World War 2.   Every country was sufering, but they all revived their economies. Unfortunately, millions

    of people died during those  6 long war years.


    This virus is not a bomb or something like a "war". As some politicians have said a few weeks back. Those people (politicians) have 

    never been in a war situation. I have lived through a war situation. I KNOW very well what it is to live in a state of fear of what

    might be coming.

    In a war, you know what is coming your way. You see and hear the bomber airplanes flying over your head,

    you hear the rifle shots or cannons shooting at you.   You can always run for safety or run into a bunker for safety.

    This virus is alot more scary.  It is "invisible".

    You never know where it is coming from or whom it will infect (or kill ) next. 

    But YOU must be cool and wise with the situation that surrounds you. --- Never panic.

    Because if you panic or put yourself in a situation where you might be killed, then it is no one´s fault but yours.

    You can stay safe, you can live safe, by following certain measures to survive this virus pandemic.

    You already know the rules to live safe - follow those rules - and you will be alright.


    This pandemic is now growing into the 1 million+ infected and its not going to stop any sooner.

    I fear that more than a million people will die before its all over   :(  Perhaps even more.

    They are saying that an anti-virus could be available within 18 months from now.  ALOT can happen in 18 months time.


    But no matter how bad it will seem or how horrible it will become, you must be STRONG and survive. I know you can do it !


    Don´t ever be stupid and think that " it only happens to others, that it can never hurt me".

    Most people will act this way in the beggining of a crisis situation, until it is too late for them. So never follow the herd, be more

    of a "black sheep" in the family.    Think diferently,   think for your safety FIRST. 

    If other people do not want to follow the rules of keeping safe,  let them go ahead and let  them live out their fate.

    But do not ever think you are invincible. ONLY in the movies does the hero survive. No one is a "RAMBO".

    In real life it is usually alot diferent. You survive by using your wits and your intelligence.

    So,  be smart.


    I have been through alot in my life, even through a guerrilla war when I was growing up in Angola, Africa. Being a white kid living

    in the savanas of Africa was a very unique and most beautiful experience in my life, but the country was also at war.  A crazy bloody war.

    The Angolan´s wanted ther independance from the Portuguese colony rule. Many of us living there , we did not care if they 

    had their independance, as long as everyone could live together. I was born in Angola, so I am also African too !   It is my home.

    But there were 3 diferent guerrilla groups trying to rule the country. All with diferent ideologies.

    It is one of the richest countries in Africa in oil production and diamonds. Those groups  were willing to kill anyone,  to get what they wanted. 

     I did see alot of dead bodies and burned armored vehicles. A few times I had to hide from flying bullets and machine gun fire. Explosions bursting

    nearby and killing some zebras and other animals. I was lucky to have survived through it, because I did not panic. If I was to panic

    and run around I would get hit.

    So never panic in a crisis situation.

    Take a deep breath and relax. Think smart and think of ways to survive in any bad situation.    You will survive.


    Notice how some people overreact and PANIC and the first thing they do is run out to the local store ,  and buy

    all the toilet paper available ?    It´s as if the only thing that will make them alive will be "toilet paper".  :facepalm:

    For Christ-sake´s, if the world runs out of toilet paper , it is NOT the end of the world. - Use a newspaper to clean your ass.

    If needed - Wash your ass with water like the ancient Roman and Greeks did.  Their civilization lasted more than a 1,000 years

    and they never used toilet paper.  Think about that.

    So never panic in a crisis situation.  

    It is best to buy canned food and water , which will make you survive in a long crisis situation. I will be stuck at home for along time.

    A month ago I went to the store and stocked up on spaghetti, rice, canned food, sardines, hotdogs, frozen potatoes, soap, shampoo

    and things that I will need and use.   Everyone else in the store was more worried about buying hand-sanitazers and toilet-paper. LMAO


    Be wise.

    Stay Safe

    I mean, people can also die due to bad economical situations.. (starvation / depression)..

    Speaking from personal experience.


    You (as a president) really need to pin-point when it's the best time to bring back the economy again and in the best way possible.

    You can't quarantine people until a vaccine is made / the virus is eradicated.


    Sending everyone a blessing!

    Stay safe, healthy and happy! <3

  3. I'd like to perform a Lana song at an open stage event, but I don't have many unreleased instrumentals. Pico is shutting down so  :rip: a lot of the links made are dead. Can OP post download links to the instrumentals? I'd probably love you forever, thank u

    I no longer have everything but I do have some of them.

    is there any specific instrumental you want so I could check it up for you?

  4. YES! Thought I was the only one.


    MV.S/GMTM // LDR - The Erased


    BTD // TFJ - Debut

    UV // EH - Commercial peak


    LFL/HM // FROOT - Their 'experimentation' eras. Some consider them both boring, but they both really test themselves in these. 


    NFR // L+F - Ones I don't like

    Sorry but BTD was Lana’s commercial hit in terms of discovery.


    TFJ - AKA

    EH - BTD (also in terms of sound)

    Froot - HM

    L+F - LFL

  5. I need to get it off my head:

    I really think there is a major problem with this record;

    Both the era and the music itself.


    It's obviously my own opinion but I find it rushed not so thoughtful.

    I wanna begin with the good stuff:

    We really got some masterpieces in there such as:

    West Coast

    Shades of Cool

    Sad Girl

    Pretty When You Cry


    But other songs such as:

    Money Power Glory

    Fucked My Way Up to the Top

    Florida Kilos

    Guns and Roses

    Black Beauty



    Are not quite good or special.

    The lyrics are quite repetitive, the melodies aren't 'listener-friendly' (example: Guns and Roses) and the music itself feels very rushed as I said before.


    One track that is quite different from others is 'Black Beauty' cause the demo was indeed a beautiful take that was more focused on Lana's voice - it felt so raw and true; The final kinda ruins the entire atmosphere with the major 'upgrade'.


    I didn't talk about Old Money cause this one isn't my personal favorite-

    The verses are so beautiful and aching but then once again - UV Typical - the chorus is written so lazy and it fails to pick up from where the verses started.


    At the end of the day, it's nice (sometimes) to go back to this record and getting filled up with memories from 2014 - but I personally think this isn't Lana's greatest album (HM and NFR! topped it for sure).

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