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About TheRadicalDreamer

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    Vancouver, BC
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  1. Thanks for the replies! I'll try to see if I can convince my bro to leave earlier then, wish me luck!!!
  2. Okay, so I would love to show up as early as possible but I find it unlikely since I'm not the one driving lol. I'm going down to Seattle from Vancouver (cause I won't be able to make the Vancouver show, anyways~) and I think we'll probably showing up at the scene around 3-4pm ish at the latest, and the show starts at 8pm. From personal experience when do most people usually start to show up? I would love to make it to the first row (and from reading other posts looks like I'm gonna have to prepare for hell itself), but I don't want to make enemies with all of Lana's Seattle fanbase lol, I'm hoping that I can be among the first 50-100 people or so that show up. Suggestions? I'll appreciate all the help I can get.
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