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Macintosh Manhattan

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Posts posted by Macintosh Manhattan

  1. 43 minutes ago, bored said:


    Chemtrails Over The Country Club (CD Box Set) - £45.00

    Lust For Life (CD Box Set) - £39.99

    Honeymoon (CD Box Set) - £31.99

    Ultraviolence (LP + CD Box Set) - £45.99

    Born To Die: Paradise Edition (3CD + DVD Box Set) - £79.99


    I'm going to say if it includes the LP we're gonna be looking at maybe £85.00?


    That's not too bad. Including tracked shipping (£6.00 at least) £90/95

  2. I love it...


    It's a self-love track that's mature, mellow and best of all it's not preachy. The "I Will Survive" is inspired and well thought out and makes sense given the lyrics. The MV is gorgeous. Its a win for me.

  3. Another sad thing to add is that Kate and William's kids had thier first day at school today. I can't imagine what must be going through thier little minds right now. The stress of the first day and the nerves that naturally entails then being told that your great grandmother has died. Truly heartbreaking...

  4. It's so surreal how in a few short minutes everything has changed. Its strange, I saw loads of people on my way to work this morning wearing black today and a magpie on my fence when I looked outside my kitchen window while eating breakfast. Now everything is so silent now as if the the whole street has been put on mute. Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth. 



    Also please be respectful. There's a time and a place to talk about the Queen's actions and decisions but it's not now.


  5. Kelis has every right to be angry with The Neptunes. Its disgusting she hasn't gotten a damn cent off her two first albums. That being said, I think its a bit unfair to drag Beyonce into the mix and call her a thief when she had nothing to do with the dispute between the two parties nvm actually knowing about the situation  :fabcat:I didn't even know Kelis had beef with The Neptunes till day and I can safely say mostly everyone else didn't.  Bey's team should've looked a bit deeper and made sure EVERYONE was happy with the sample being used but calling her a thief is uncalled for and misplaced. 



  6.  the tracklist


     I’m That Girl


    Alien Superstar

     Cuff It


    Break My Soul

    Church Girl

    Plastic Off the Sofa

    Virgo’s Groove




    All Up in Your Mind

    America Has a Problem


    Summer Renaissance



    All in all some great track names. Super interested to hear Plastic Off The Sofa, Cuff It and America Has A Problem. 

  7. honestly as long as there a few bops I don't care. Two albums of piano and a lack of melody is enough me thinks 



    I just wanna fall in love with a Lana project again. I felt stupidly, guilty about not liking COCC and BB but it's just not my thing. But  can I have one just one goddamn sultry summer bop please :bebe: 


  8. It could've been a little bit shorter and some lyrics should've been change BC it is very repetitive but apart from that it's alright. At least its fun and I'm sure the rest of the album will be brilliant :fabcat:


    A radio edit is needed tho ngl I can't see this doing well on the charts but then again Bey hasn't given a shit about hits since after 4 anyway

  9. On 6/16/2022 at 9:01 PM, Macintosh Manhattan said:


    Honestly I'm glad she's doing a traditional rollout. We should get the lead soonish and hopefully we'll get a film along side it which reminds me that there was a a rumor a few years ago that Beyonce signed a deal with Netflix for three of her projects one of them being Homecoming of course. So we could possibly see it being on the streaming service :pray2:


    Called it. New single Break My Soul out Midnight ET :dafuq:

  10. On 6/16/2022 at 9:38 AM, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I’m surprised she didn’t surprise drop it this time.


    Honestly I'm glad she's doing a traditional rollout. We should get the lead soonish and hopefully we'll get a film along side it which reminds me that there was a a rumor a few years ago that Beyonce signed a deal with Netflix for three of her projects one of them being Homecoming of course. So we could possibly see it being on the streaming service :pray2:

  11. Her wedding was so classy. No OTT dress or venue. No massive reception with tons and tons of needless guests. Best of all it looked like everyone was having a great time including Brit. She's more than deserved her happy ending and many more joyful years to come :heart:

  12. Please Please be real :icant:

    Hopefully the LP is Lemonade quality aswell and I heard its supposed to be inspired by the House genre so let's goooo.



  13. On 6/5/2022 at 9:49 PM, BrokenBoy said:

    But I don’t give a fuck what you think about so yeah fuck youuuuu! And Lorde’s ugly 


    Yet you cared enough to reply and repeat your rhetoric with nothing else to say , nevermind it actually being  of interest to say the least. You don't have to like her or her music but going for her looks is as tacky as gold taps in a mansion. She's gorgeous and always has been imo.  Jack can work with who ever he wants to and girl, it's 2022 not 2013. The beef between the pair is old news and blown out of preposition anyway. I know this is news to you but two highly successful women, who work in the same genre, can exist in the industry without the need to pit them against one each other. Also using misogynistic slurs like bitch against women shows exactly what kind of person you are :awk:



    Anyway stream Fallen Fruit. The best track on Solar Power. 




  14. Imagine tearing someone down that doesn't even know you exist. Least she's successful and has actually done something in thier lives, unlike your basement dwelling, keyboard warrior arse :coffee: Go outside and touch some grass @BrokenBoy 



  15. The first thing that US needs to do is have a leader, either side (I do not care which) with enough backing and support from others to outright dissolve and then ban the NRA and other groups like them. They have too much sway and power on gun policy. Getting rid of them and any politician that's being paid, sorry bribed, (BC let's be real they are) in either party and then you actually have a fighting chance. 



  16. Supposed to be the most enviable country in the world but refuses to put the lives of children above an inanimate object designed to do one thing - kill as many as possible in a short amount of time. 


    Studies have proven over and over again in the UK that if you carry a knife you have a higher chance of using it or having someone kill you with it. This is the exact type of thinking that should be applied to guns. Ban them, every single one. It's not a right to bear arms and that same law that was put in place long ago should've been removed when the country became stable. 


    This shouldn't be happening. THIS ISN'T NORMAL. What is not clicking? They were just kids. Little beings with all that potential just snuffed out needlessly. It just makes me so angry.

  17. I think its important to note that you shouldn't feel guilty if it's all to much and walk away from the news for a day or two. Health professionals have advised that excessive doomscrolling can negatively impact existing mental health issues.


    Here's a site that can help you set boundaries etc - https://www.endocrineweb.com/news/what-is-doomscrolling-and-how-to-stop


    Look after yourselves and your well being xx


    I'm not at home but I'm thinking of doing a good news thread at the weekend. We need to remember the wonderful things out there in the world as well as acknowledged the terrible things. Pet Photos, Fun memories and good news stories we can share etc to uplift each other. 



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