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Posts posted by Cruel

  1. where did you order your vinyl from? if from her store, the uk or us one?

    I got it from a local independent record store, but i saw someone on twitter with the vinyl and a t-shirt, so I assume thats from her webstore? 

  2. U




    I'm the one who posted the photos, got the vinyl a day early  :defeated: it's the only extra photo sadly, idk if the CDs will have more if there's a booklet 

  3. WHY is she trying to shove the thought that she's "crazy", "weird" and "not like the other girls" down our throats when the only thing unusual about her is that tragic haircut.

    I keep thinking the same...doesn't come off as genuine at all. Like that haircut comes from anything else than "we need something so people remember you".


    Song is a bop though too alike SBP, video is ... a choice. 

  4. omg this is insane.. instead of us telling our friends charli is "the girl that sings boom clap" it'll be 1999 :defeated:

    Here I could call her the Dirty Sexy Money girl too, I hear it on the radio still  :gclap: though Boom Clap at least is a solo song 

  5. I dreamt I was hanging out with Charli and XYLO (i refuse to use the Ø  :hooker: ) and we talked about Tears & Tantrums and the demo version with Charli and Raye :rip:
    Charli was really nice in my dream at least, wearing something green with her short hair with pink ends  :flutter:

  6. am I in the minority that I don't want BIOYL as an album track? we have track 10 and the leaked version 

    same im with you, BIOYL can stay unreleased, it sounds like a feature because it's not her style at all to me..track 10 is superior in every way.

  7. No thanks to Dua Lipa  :flop: I like her but I feel like Charli could get someone more interesting than that..or ya know, just stay solo 


    Really hoping Come To My Baptism is next single


    Omg it looks amazing :defeated: Though it would be even cooler if it was in a CD-single case and not a regular jewel case. 



    Also my friend just got a notification from Charli's soundcloud about a new post that was immediately put on private?? 1999 Remix coming?  :flop:

    also YES @ Pop the Balloons being close to having it's leak balloon POPPED


    Can y'all stop talking about Kim Petras and Kesha in a Charli XCX thread? I mean, they have their own threads so go rant there.
    Well someone asked, and they deserve answers. But I agree it feels sorta off-topic though Kim is very present in Charli's life. it's a dead-end anyways so it's better to just agree to disagree and move on. 

  9. She also later apologized sating that she was just speaking on her own experiences with Dr. Luke and should have worded herself better (english isnt her first language) and that she thinks Kesha should be heard. 


    If Kesha stans spent half as much time buying her music as they do actively trying to tear down Kim for working with Luke, Kesha wouldn't have to publicly make false rape accusations against Luke saying that he raped Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (both of which have publicly said thats untrue). I really do feel bad for Kesha because I do believe she was verbally abused by Luke and that he made her time with Kemosabe a living hell, but these false allegations look really bad on her and her teams part.

    I haven't seen her say anywhere that Kesha deserves to be heard. Please pull receipts, I would like to see it. I do know she said she worded herself badly, but then I really wonder what she actually tried to say. This is what I can find. 




    You recently told NME, “I would like my fans to know that I wouldn’t work with somebody I believe to be an abuser of women, definitely not,” which some people have interpreted as you calling Kesha a liar.

    That was just me saying I haven’t experienced any of it. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t, but I want to let their case speak for itself. Honestly, it’s not my place to say anything.

    Of course I get she wants to stay out of it. But to me that's more like siding with Dr. Luke. I see she says she has respect for both parts, so that's somewhat good at least.


    The screenshot of Kim liking a photo making fun of Kesha's case is upsetting, though it could be fake as she's unliked it (if she ever did). 


    From what I've read, it wasn't Kesha that brought Katy and Gaga into it herself. 



    "He said something like, 'I heard he raped Katy, too,'" Lady Gaga testified.

    Not the same as saying "He raped Katy". and it was a man who brought that into the conversation when Kesha and Gaga were speaking to each other. Gaga has never even worked with Luke. All in all the situation has gotten really messy and some allegations do seem fishy, I agree. I wish we could get some clearance in it soon. 

    Also I think you would have to be really crazy to go through all of this if it's a lie. I don't think Kesha would do that. Then she would got way more to lose than to win. 


    I just think it's sad as I really wanna support Kim but I can't until she stops working with Dr.Luke. Heart to Break is an amazing song but the second I found out Dr.Luke was behind it the guilty feeling in my stomach was not worth it. 


    She's more than welcome to do more features with Charli though, I had to play Unlock it after posting that last night  :flutter:  

  10. What happened with Kim Petras?  :toofunny:

    Unless she's bound by a contract she's willingly working with Dr.Luke who abused Kesha and Kim also discredited Kesha's case by saying "I wouldn't work with someone I believed to be an abuser". Really disgusting. 

  11. Not surprised at all the rape supporter stans here. I can tolerate songs that didn't involve an abuser (Unlock It, Reason Why) but the rest of Kim Jong Petras music makes me feel so guilty  :flop:

    Again, we don't accept rape apologists


    We don't accept rape apologists

    I like you two :flutter:

  12. backseat is so underrated </3

    the best song on pop 2, facts are facts 


    the breakdown at the end is so emotional to me, it's just so much and then mixed with their emotions...I'm getting emo just thinking about it :defeated:



    also just posted this on my art instagram and thought I'd share it here too 







    im doing a small series called "pop girls of 2017" as I did one for 2016 last year. it's been done for months but finally got it scanned and fixed digitally  :teehee:

    for charli i wanted to mix both mixtapes into one and this was the outcome, it wasn't easy but I'm pretty happy with it now

  13. It's (almost) DONE!! I looove how it's coming together, and I couldn't wait to share it :defeated: Charli is shaking tbh



    the fabric is trash, though it looks amazing. It has torn on me several times so I had to re-cut a lot of it and it's been hell. Something tore when I put in 1 of the 2 strings too, which was the final part  :flop: also I bought it abroad so I can't get more, or else I would put myself through hell again and make matching pants!

  14. some girls in the year below me travelled to somewhere in the UK for the reputation tour and today they saw me working on my charli tour outfit top so we talked about it and they said they wished Charli was 2nd instead of Camila  :flutter: also that they loooved Charli's outfit 


    "Charli really got the crowd pumped like a real warm-up, unlike Camila. She was much more fun and had a lot of energy". :hooker:


    They're so lucky who got to see legend Charli

  15. She snapped. Gorgeous album/EP whatever she wants to call it. It's short enough to be an EP but it's better than most albums released this year so I'm gonna call it Album of the Year. 


    Top 3: Science, Little Things and Girl of the Year.

  16. yes bby do it!

    as a huge drag follower it gets me that next to zero queens performs charli songs </3

    I have performance ideas for R&R, No Angel and Taxi already :defeated: They do an Open Drag Stage show every now and then where newcomers can join, so maybe I'll do it next year  :hooker:

  17. i'm about to come for charli's outfit gig

    i did this tonight so it's obviously not finished but it's getting there  :flop:  







    it will have long sleeves of course, will post pics once it's done!


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