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Posts posted by divebarsinger

  1. Ik, I'm normally kind of w/e about it but it bums me out. Those of us who don't praise her laziness get told we want her to be the BTD gangster nancy cigarette tropico queen, as though honeymoon wasn't objectively beautiful, in terms of music and aesthetics :/ Like she's reading her own damn song lyrics from a phone in her own concert... she's stopping concerts to look for her f-cking vape... and I'm supposed to be charmed? Or find her relatable? Like fair enough if it's not right for me to expect more in terms of song lyrics, production, etc. but it's so incredibly disingenuous when people try to say that she's not lazy or entitled at all lmao. She's got all the time in the world to relearn lyrics she wrote, or make a video that makes sense lmao like... not impressed. And then she has the audacity to tweet the water clip from the end of freak and say she wishes she still made beautiful art for the sake of it. Who tf is stopping her.


    this. i honestly couldn't give a shit about how she looks anymore, i just want my interest kept. i want creativity and spontaneity and the annoying part is... she's clearly very capable? i think the 'doin time' video did that very much and i give her credit for it. it was funny in places, she played more than one character. it was a departure for her, i don't remotely expect big budget either but seriously what's even more frustrating is the songs are GREAT. but she never sells the full package and she has more ability to than she ever did and according to her, she's not even over her own career like we thought she was due to the lack of inspiration. it's all just so, so boring and mediocre. you can't honestly tell me the person who wrote those songs on NFR struggles to come up with videos to go with them, seriously? SERIOUSLY? the imaginative imagery is all there

  2. i figured bartender would be low budget and simple but hugely ethereal and filmed in the desert with lana in a black sunhat and shades killing a charles manson-type man in a tux with witchcraft who was also a love interest. she'd have her coven around her all dressed similarly, they'd be laughing, there'd be a little table with fine china on it. there'd be evening shots of a flaming bonfire. somehow they'd all get away with it at the end and do a getaway drive. god. the disappointment.


    "shutup divebar"


  3. I respect this opinion but I honestly don't think she thinks about it too deeply. That doesn't mean that the viewer can't draw their own conclusions, just that I really think it's ... well, mish-mash. "Having fun with her friends". And keeping her sister employed. 



    this. i wish people would realise that DIY or a 'simple aesthetic' doesn't have to be absolute garbage. it doesn't. at all. that's the whole point. this has gone beyond subtlety and is just pure laziness, particularly when you compare it to her lizzie grant era 'homemade videos', they were of a different, far better standard entirely and now she has all this creative freedom and financial perks on top. it's a joke

  4. lana is the best part of this mess  :hooker:



    i think the irony really is that despite her having the least vocals.... she's the most sultry and mysterious in the video and for me she almost accidentally stands out as the one who's most interesting. miley and ariana are performing how you'd expect them to, lana has a persona which is different to her own music videos. it's almost like in some respects it's worked in her favour (although i admit this could be just how i see it)

  5. like.. what i personally feel is that NFR in many ways is so creatively accomplished and this is just..... such a comedown. i get what she's doing in terms of career but i'd have traded this 10 times for another single and video from the album. sure don't call me angel is aesthetically pleasing, but i think we all knew they'd have a video that centred on them acting like charlie's angels which for me is just so boring and unimaginative


    compare this to young & beautiful and it's like spam to fucking steak 

  6. i agree i doubt she'll top this, but it depends what's meant by 'topping it' really. even if NFR hadn't received the acclaim it has and despite the messy era and the countless snippets we've heard, i feel like it's incredibly accomplished and breaks away from a lot of her old formula but without alienating fans and with some stellar less introspective songwriting, i feel like her eyes are more open on this record but not in the contrived way it was on LFL. for me on the latter you could hear she was struggling with her identity as an artist and it's what made it so awkward for me. now.. she seems comfortable and i think that's partly why this album has delivered more than i ever thought it would


    idk.. part of me feels like she's hitting her 'golden era' where she's really hit her stride and although it could mean more records that don't resonate in the same way or are even as successful i think she's willing to play a bit more and she's unapologetic. i actually feel she might surprise us and for me personally that's exciting no matter what happens 

  7. been listening to california now for over an hour and i know to some of you this is super old news but i think this is her peak in terms of aching sentiment, nostalgia, power and apologeticness. credit where it's due i think this is probably the truest love song she's ever written and i adore that it's so bittersweet. it's like an ode to every relationship that's ever been lost, changed or gone wrong and it could apply to absolutely anybody you've loved

  8. faves on first full listen: 


    love song


    the next best american record


    happiness is a butterfly

    hope is a dangerous thing


    i'm disappointed cos i think cinnamon girl and how to disappear were ruined compared to the snippets, doin time does fit well as a 'fun track', norman fucking rockwell is good lyrically but i just feel so lukewarm about it overall 


    rest i can give or take, however this could change so don't quote me

  9. i think she's hit her radio friendly stride and this is why this record will be her most successful. it's very accessible and listenable, i think ignoring some of the melancholy lyrics is quite easy, similarly to what she said you can just kinda play it as you have dinner. i can also imagine every track being played in a film/tv series so in that respect she hasn't strayed too far from the cinematic aspect. so far i do like it for what it is, i'm enjoying it. lyrically it does represent so much of why i became a fan. what i miss is something a bit more dynamic and powerful in terms of sound

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