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Posts posted by divebarsinger

  1. We could say the same things to you both. Both of you are being extremely self-righteous right now, so it's best that we all just stop overreacting and end the discussion right here. 


    i'd say self righteous is trying to invalidate someone caring about things just because you don't share that view whilst also heavily implying it was disingenuous due to you personally having little understanding or care for that approach. you've also been extremely patronising without offering much in the way of proper discussion with people perfectly willing to engage with you


    self righteous here basically means 'having a strong opinion'

  2. Agreed. Also, ranting on a Lana Del Rey forum isn't being "politically active." Political activism requires actual protest. Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social,political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society.




    being open to political discourse and sharing ideas on a platform IS political activity and activism along with all those other things. education can actually be a form of changing consciousness. you think everyone is in a position to promote, impede, direct or intervene and that those are appropriate at every given time? 

  3. yeah see youre missing the point.  i juuuust said i dont want anything from Lana.  i am commenting on her song, i'm not demanding action or anything from her.  besides - im criticizing her for speaking out on an issue in a vapid shallow way that doesnt reflect the actual issue and in fact plays into far right narratives that fuel mass violence like this.  and she's not gonna see what i said, so its actually just you who has an issue with even reading my perspective.  i guess its easier to just pretend everything is cute. glad youre comfortable enough to do so  :hooker:



    re-read what i said bc i literally jsut said i dont expect anything from Lana, and that i prefer a song to a manifesto lol.  she's trying, great.  i'm just sharing my opinion, not trying to force anyone to agree with me, or force Lana to be more "woke."  but im with you on her just trying to be helpful or whatever, and that's great, and that shes donating proceeds.


    if literally just mentioning the history of mass violence in america is "fake wokeness" then DAMN some of yall must really be sheltered af.


    don't forget that we only exist within dichotomies to a lot of people on this website.

    criticising lana means 


    "being angry"

    "expecting her to be a politician"

    "feeling owed"

    "not appreciating the donations from this song"

    "not being a fan"


    "expecting her to be woke and have a politics degree"

    "analysing anything deeper than a shallow rock pool is pretending to care"


    just wanna say i think LFA is a sweet song. i think the fact she's donating proceeds is great, doesn't mean we can't look at it and how it relates to everything culturally though. in her own way she's encouraging that herself 

  4. kinda want to remind some of you that suggesting people care about things in order to be 'fake woke' because caring about things is 'inherently bad' is some 4chan incel bullshit too that feeds into the rhetoric which creates things such as mass shooters and an emboldened far right due to the suggestion people caring about others welfare is somehow 'unnatural' and you're ultimately shitting on yourself, particularly if you're part of a marginalised group so good luck with that

  5. http://www.justjared.com/2019/08/08/lana-del-rey-heads-out-after-attending-a-wednesday-night-church-service/


    im sooooooooo excited to listen to jesus fucking hillsong! and contribute to the fame and fortune of my fave homophobic gay icon


    oh yeah but like "this was churchome" which is in no way institutionally similar to hillsong and is absolutely devoid of any institutional prejudices, supremacies or absurd capital hoarding which creates any risk of right wing political influence  :oopna:

  6. This is actually very sad


    i totally agree, but remember billie eilish is flying high now too and she's just 17. the industry has changed hugely and it's highly competitive 


    i think a LOT of people forget how lana would be classed as 'old' now when she got famous and she's still doing very similar lyrical content at 34 that she was as lizzy grant at 25. i wouldn't be here if i wasn't a fan but.... realistically? 

  7. do y’all think NFR will be as critically acclaimed as melodrama was?


    no. i think she'll probably get more than she has before but i also feel like what's impressive about lorde is how incredible she is given her age. it's cruel and horrible but i think lana's age is also against her in the industry, signed artists are getting younger and younger and i think the pressure to be a 'prodigy' is greater than it ever was

  8. just wanna clarify, i think NFR will probably get her the accolade she potentially wants. i'm not disputing at all that sound wise it's her maturing again. main thing that bothers me is that i think in order to not find it 'samey' you may have to discover it first or even alone, without having much knowledge of her back catalogue. i am aware that it'll make no difference to its success however 

  9. I think Honeymoon topped Ultraviolence for me, but these things are subjective and otherwise I agree. NFR definitely sounds like her best work to date


    yeah. i think what happened for me is that i loved ultraviolence and still do, but i then rediscovered honeymoon last year (when i was uh.. 29) and felt "actually... this record is her maturing and echoes a lot of the old greats. fuck.. why didn't i appreciate it as much at the time."

  10. But if they were not "same-y" you would be here bitching about the lack of cohesive album sound.

    She can't win.


    i mean personally i've never complained about cohesiveness on this forum, hasn't been something that's concerned me. i don't think it's necessarily as black and white as that either. i'm certainly not against her making creative risks, i've always been for it. what i've criticised is her collaborations with singers i've felt have drowned her 

  11. i know i've mentioned this already but i really hope this is a nod to simon and garfunkel's song america. also its relationship to the film almost famous, for me it's such a perfect continuation. it's like she's taken the idealistic idea of looking for america and applied it to the present

  12. don't get why she's so into bringing other people into her cover designs this year. like.. i think the witchy coven photo with the dancers and emma tillman would look ok on the back. you could say it was her 'era of collabs'... if there were any on the actual album, which there aren't. makes her come across quite insecure to me actually. though if it'd been her hillsong 'baddie' friends instead i think i'd have lost my mind

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