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Posts posted by sirensXsilence

  1. people in North Korea

    The majority of North Koreans are impoverished and held hostage by their own government. You know what happens when they try to leave? They get shot. And, even on the off chance they do successfully escape, their families are gathered up and sent off to labor camps.


    I understand the point you're attempting to make, but choose a better example next time.

  2. Why is going to church so bad? she is clearly not homophobic because her 2 brothers are lgtb and also she dis that show in December. Astrology and adivination is also forbidden but I have seen her doing tarot so obviously she doesn't follow everything the Bible says...

    Literally answered already just ahead of your post:

    I don’t think anyone (or most) have some issue with her being religious or Christian, but her aligning herself with notoriously homophobic sects is problematic.



  3. Serious answer, this stan shit is unhealthy af. I'm not about that ride or die life irl for people I actually know, I sure as hell ain't gonna blindly defend & support people who don't give a rat's ass about me or even know I exist. People need to be checked CONSTANTLY. People need to be called out on their shit. Being an enabler aint cute anymore. It's a sad existence. I mean we're not even there to reap whatever benefits come with being a real life yes man. We get NOTHING from this. I see all these desperate people like...you really think Lana's gonna notice you? Single you out, maybe fly you out to LA to go to church with her and take cute selfies with your matcha smoothies? The fuck. You think you're gonna live out your "Paris Hilton's My New BFF" dreams but with Lana? Jesus. Stanning just don't make no sense, not in this economy, sorry.

    Remember when being a stan was considered a bad thing? We should go back to that.

  4. Yeah I know everybody likes to excuse her but it's not like she just dropped an insta post being like "just finished my next record can't wait for u all to hear it"... and that's the first we've heard about new music since LFL.


    We've had multiple interviews, 3 singles (the first released 9 months ago), we have the album title and she said it would be released at the beginning of 2019, we are now 6 months in.


    She knows she's messing us around.

    E x a c t l y


    She was already going full steam with the promo on an already finished album. And it was making to be my favorite promo cycle of hers yet (I especially liked the Apple mini concert), but then she decided to fuck off around January.

    If she merely wanted a break, she would've taken it before starting a new promo cycle, not in the freaking middle of it. I don't understand what is so hard to understand about that.

  5. Idk the rest of the book, or Moby at all tbh, but from this and the Lana story, dude clearly has/had a habit of chasing his middle-aged ass around barely legal women and characterizing a handful of hangouts as full on dating.


    I doubt any unawareness and remorse on his part and live for Lana leaving him blue-balled twice.

  6. there's the potential naivety, but there's also the fact that......... this shit just doesn't affect her. it never did. she's never had to care, she's comfortably rich, she's white. she was a 'poverty tourist' at one point (i realise i'll probably get dragged for this but being kicked out of a comfortable family situation cos you're a bit wild and want to be a singer is NOT like being kicked out for being gay or trans or ending up on the streets with no other option)

    It's also not like being born into a generations-deep poverty cycle with no practical role models or hope of getting out, which is the reality of the particular kind of poverty she was cosplaying.


    naivety possibly, but that naivety also indicates a level of privilege. she's also "not concerned about losing fans" which is cool when it comes to being her own boss creatively, but eeesh how far does this go? idk


    edit: also did she not 'help out' at an addiction charity for a long time? that's great but also doesn't indicate she's totally blind to this stuff

    Oh no, I definitely include privilege in that naivete. I try not to assume an intentional ignorance and concious apathy... but I guess it'd almost be meaner to imply that she's not that deep of a thinker.


    But I've known people who've done outreach things, usually through religious avenues, and while you'd think those experiences would widen their perspectives, a lot of these people somehow manage to keep those same blinders on the whole time they're there and after they're done. My feeling with these things (and especially so with mission trips to impoverished places) is that they're more for the people doing the helping than the people being helped. Like there's a strong paternalistic attitude that keeps them from looking at marginalized populations on a deeper level.


    Edit: Fuck, absolutely botched the quote splitting - bear with me everyone!

    Edit 2: fixed it

  7. I usually associate "mass" solely with Catholicism, so I had assumed she was at a different church. But I don't see Catholics being cool with people showing up to mass dressed like that.

    Less the poor fashion, and more the lack of modesty and humility.


    i was one of the few people who actually felt the guillotine comment towards moby was her being in awe of him tbh. i just did not read it as her being critical, more in a girlish "oh my god, you're THE MAN moby. you're so badass and rich they'd have killed you!"  

    i mean she suggested 'music could bring people together' when she was criticised for planning to play israel and if i recall it's the third time she intended and then backed down from doing it 

    her comment on trump was "she felt more unsafe walking the streets since he was elected" (or words to that effect) which... doesn't really cover how irredeemably bad he is does it lol


    i.. would like to think she's just uninformed but given how many people she'll meet, her fucking job. idk i just don't buy she's not aware of the criticism of those churches from the LGBT community. i would imagine her defence would be something weak like "well we all have different beliefs. i believe in expression but i'm all about love, i think we can all learn from each other" or some vague noncommittal hippie shit that absolves her of responsibility

    I think, above all, Lana/Elizabeth is incredibly sheltered and naive. To the point of looking outside of her own perspective and experiences for purposes other than fantasy being totally foreign to her.
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