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  1. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by timinmass101 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I had intended to start this discussion elsewhere, but after reading the Fader interview I thought I'd comment here briefly.  I joined the Lanaboards because I have a deep emotional connection to the music of Lana Del Rey. I feel like she is talking for me.  I am also a student of them Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator.  I am an INFP.  Based on what I've read on this site, I believe there are quite a few members that are also INFPs (see http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2833-myers-briggs-type-indicator/  hat tip to Colacunt.)
    INFPs are relatively rare personality types representing 2-5% of the population.  I speculate that Lizzy Grant is an INFP as well, which perhaps explains why so many INFPs are attracted to her.  After reading the Fader article I am more convinced that she is.  I will follow up in the conversations area as to exactly why I think this.
    But to understand the INFP, you need to understand the following traits commoin to an INFPs: (see http://similarminds.com/jung/infp.html)
    attracted to sad things
    can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings
    prone to quitting
    prone to feelings of loneliness
    ambivalent of the rules
    daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness
    focus on fantasies
    acts without planning
    low self confidence
    emotionally moody
    can feel defective
    prone to lateness
    likes esoteric things
    wounded at the core
    feels shame
    frequently losing things
    prone to sadness
    prone to dreaming about a rescuer
    easily distracted
    does not like crowds
    can act without thinking
    can feel uncomfortable around others
    familiar with the darkside
    more likely to support marijuana legalization
    can sabotage self
    likes the rain
    sometimes can't control fearful thoughts
    prone to crying
    prone to regret
    attracted to the counter culture
    can be submissive
    prone to feeling discouraged
    frequently second guesses self
    not punctual
    not always prepared
    can feel victimized
    prone to confusion
    prone to irresponsibility
    can be pessimistic
    These traits are core to who we are.  It is difficult to live in a world that has expectations of normalcy since we are anything but.  The Fader article seems to highlight much of this.
    Anyway, rather than hijack this thread I will continue this discussion elsewhere.
    Oh, and as an aside ... we take criticism as a personal attack.  There are many INFP blogs that discuss this issue ad nauseum.  Imagine what she must have gone through 2012-2013.  I would have been having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis as well.
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