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Posts posted by Indie

  1. 1 minute ago, MrFameKills said:

    If you find something insensitive because of your own personal experiences, then don't listen. It really is as simple as that. You can obviously express it, but don't expect us to just dismiss Lana's songs and intentions because of that

    I think you're absolutely right.


    One of my family members took their own life in January. I know that Fingertips will be difficult for me personally to listen to, but I don't think anybody would agree that it is insensitive for her to be writing about suicide. The COVID line in Peppers is quite benign in context - I don't understand how it was insensitive of her to simply write about her experience with COVID in her relationship.


  2. 1 hour ago, blacksheep said:

    Has anyone figured out what she is saying in the beginning of Sweet?

    these are my lyrics

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    stars in my eyes, hiking up griffith
    thinking about ??? (it sounds like maybe she's saying the name of a movie? because of the next line? idk)
    it’s set in the midwest
    wish I could tell you now
    i wrote you a note, but i didn’t send it
    ‘cause that’s the best method
    the women here taught me about

    what you don’t really understand
    i’ve got magic in my hand (head??)
    stars in my eyes

    i’m a different kind of woman
    if you want some basic bitch
    go to the beverly center and find her

    i’m sweet
    if you wanna go where nobody goes
    that’s where you’ll find me
    in the sweet north country
    if i’m not there come to my house on genesee

    what you doing with your life
    do you think about it
    do you contemplate where we came from
    lately we’ve been making out a ??
    talking about the stuff that’s at the very heart of things
    do you want children? do you wanna marry me?
    do you wanna run marathons in long beach by the sea?
    i’ve got things to do like nothing at all
    i wanna do them with you
    do you wanna do them with me?

    if you want someone then just call me up
    and remember where i’ll be
    sweet in barefeet
    you can find me where no one will be
    in the woods somewhere
    in the ?? of the heart of the valley
    in the sweet north country
    if i’m not there come to my house on genesee




    I think she says:

    Thinking about what was said

    And what didn't get said in the midwest

    Wish I could tell you now


  3. Short review and description of the tracks for those who are not listening to the recordings




    1. Honeymoon - 6/10
    A beautiful introduction to the album, but it's just not up to par with the rest of the tracks. It drags on a bit, however from the bridge and beyond, the song truly shines.

    2. Music To Watch Boys To - 10/10
    One of the best instrumentals on the album. The verses are what make this song for me, I love the flute and the vocals.

    3. Terrence Loves You - 9/10
    Lyrically, this is one of my favorites. You can feel the emotion in Lana's voice when she sings "I lost myself, when I lost you". One of the only jazzy songs on the album. Again, the bridge is a highlight and I love the David Bowie reference.

    4. God Knows I Tried - 9/10
    The guitar is what immediately stands out to me on this track. Very Ultraviolence-esque. It almost feels a little blues-y to me as well. It's very dark and emotional. The verses comprise mostly of Lana's vocals and the guitar, while percussion is introduced in the chorus. It would be a 10/10 had it not been for the very repetitive lyrics. Lana's vocals in the bridge are beautiful as she hits some impressive high notes and repeatedly sings "let there be light, light up my life". I can definitely see the supposed gospel influence present in the bridge especially.

    5. High By The Beach - 9/10
    A little bit of a more lighthearted break from the very emotional previous 2 tracks. Also the introduction of the "muddy trap" element on this album. I love the instrumental and the explicit lyrics. I can't justify giving it a 10/10 because there are too many tracks on the album that overshadow it.

    6. Freak - 10/10
    Lana was spot on when she described this song as "very sexy". The instrumental and trap beats make me automatically want to grind my hips. The song completely changes direction in the bridge, which reminds me a lot of Shades of Cool, perhaps because of the predominant electric guitar. The song then returns to the dark and sexy trap beats and infectious chorus one last time to close out the song.

    7. Art Deco - 10/10
    Another pure trap influenced track. Definitely some Born To Die influence here as well, Lana even samples the breathy "why" from the beginning of the title track ("Why, who me?"). It's a slower, very laid back song.

    8. Burnt Norton - 10/10
    As good as it gets for an interlude. Lana's speaking voice is beautiful and the instrumental is haunting. It's very psychedelic and relaxing, and almost feels otherworldly.

    9. Religion - 10/10
    Another sexy song. The song begins very lowkey, with the guitar and Lana's vocals being the most predominant features. Then, the first chorus takes over and the dark and sexy percussion and trap beats make a return. The trap influence is definitely not as present as it was in the previous 3 tracks, but I feel like it's just the perfect amount. Another one of my favorites lyrically, with lines like "When I'm down on my knees, you're how I pray". One article suggested that the vocals on this track reminded the author of a siren (the mythical sea creature). I can definitely hear it, especially at the end of each chorus when Lana croons "I need your love, I need your love, I need your love".

    10. Salvatore - 10/10
    A career highlight. This song is gorgeous from start to finish, very elegant and some extremely impressive vocal work. I'm getting lowkey opera singer teas. It's very Italian inspired. My one and only gripe with this song is that the "soft ice cream" lyrics does not seem to fit in at first, but I've gotten used to it after a few listens. The bridge, which features beautifully high vocals accompanied by a simple piano melody which grows into the final chorus, is a top contender for my favorite moment in any song of Lana's discography.

    11. The Blackest Day - 10/10
    I was completely taken aback by this track on my first listen. By the title, I was expecting a depressing anthem very similar to Black Beauty. I was very surprised to hear the return of the trap beats in the chorus. It reminds me of the more rock influenced tracks on Ultraviolence. It is the longest track on the album, but it doesn't drag on at all. Also, it is again one of my favorites lyrically, especially in the chorus "Ever since my baby went away, it's been the blackest day".

    12. 24 - 10/10
    Immediately when I heard this, I thought of James Bond. Sultry, jazzy, slow and elegant. I can also hear a little bit of Spanish influence on the chorus. Love the lyrics, vocals, instrumental; all around beautiful track.

    13. Swan Song - 8/10
    After the standard set by track 9-12, this song falls a bit short. It's still very beautiful, but the lyrics feel a bit repetitive again. It's a very cinematic track, as Lana cries out "I will never sing again" over an orchestral instrumental.

    14. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 7/10
    This is different than what I was expecting. The production seems to borrow elements from both Nina Simone's version as well as The Animals' version of the song. It is a very nice cover and Lana did a good job vocally, but compared to the rest of the album it is a little weak. I wish it was a little jazzier.

    Overall, this is, in my opinion, Lana's best body of work. It's cohesive, yet all of the tracks are so different from one another. It's amazing to hear jazz, trap, rock, and orchestra work so well together. I was not being generous when I gave so many songs 10/10, it truly is a masterpiece.





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