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Posts posted by drugmoney

  1. She's not the one asking the questions. And people do hate her, the media especially, it's not like she's making it all up and exaggerating. Most articles on her that I read aren't positive. A majority still mention SNL/her father/her lips/random drivel so that we don't ever forget Lana is actually a manufactured diva with fake lips whose daddy bought her career :facepalm:


     And people do hate her, the media especially


    No, they really don't. But she wants to pretend like she's still stuck in 2011/2012 when the media was hounding her but it's been over 2 years and she's still acting like a victim. I get that she went through a lot of shit but at this point it's almost like she wants to do nothing but continue on with this incessant whining and delude herself into thinking that everyone still hates her when they really don't.


    The support and praise she gets from the media is almost biased at this point. They'll love every mundane video and track she releases and say it's groundbreaking. There has never been a point in her career where she's gotten this much positive support and love from the public but yet in her mind people are still out to get her.

  2. All of her interviews are the same. It's like all she wants to do is bask In negativity. blablablabla people hate me blablabla why am I so misunderstood in the media blahgdashaghdg   


     poor me I'm such a victim  :poordat:


    is there seriously nothing else to talk about?

  3. If she wanted UV promo by stirring up controversy she wouldn't have gone to "Grazia", C'mon now  :bye:

    Never even heard of that magazine until today  :lmao:


    She knows her rabid fans will find and dig up anything. You don't even know the amount of random shit/quotes she's said to foreign media outlets that have blown up and been shared everywhere. Perhaps she's not as caluclating as I think she's being though...who knows


    but I'm going to need the lyrics for that track right now  :xgiggle:

  4. You might be right, but Lana is such a shady bitch I'm here for it either way. She did say the artist was successful, so even if it's not gaga, she's going for someone relevant. I wish Lily Allen name checked Lana in one of her misguided rants so I could speculate about that possibility  :flutter:


    Exactly, whoever it is it's someone well known. But since I really can't come up with anyone who has outright copied Lana's aesthetics and is at the top of the industry right now (or was since 2011/2012), I feel like this person maybe doesn't exist and she's trying to stir some drama up for the sake of some UV promo (I wonder which person in her team suggested it) 


    or she just thinks it's fun for people to think she's talking about Gaga. 

  5. Hmm, maybe not now, but when they were both on the NYC ~indie~ see together they did know each other and Gaga did sort of cycle through styles and was an acoustic tortured soul for a bit. Also The Fame had a lot of glamour/death by opulence/I love a bad boy themes. If BTD, or even LDRakaLG came out in 2009 I could see them being compared.

    nah she's talking about 2011 and onward It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. and I really doubt it's about Gaga because a) I'd worry about her mental health if she'd seriously make an entire track about Gaga wearing a smiliar outfit as Lana for one random event plus b) Lana hates public scrutiny so for her to attack an artist as big as Gaga was/is doesn't make any sense when she knows the media will be ALL over it. Not to mention the amount of shit she'd get from Gaga's fans (which a lot of are also fans of Lana). She craves validation and praise but it's weird as fuck that she'd reply with this shady answer when she knows people will reach any far fetched conclusion and might even bring up that old Gaga vs Lana feud again....so strange.


    But anything to get that Ultraviolence buzz I guess <3

  6. I thought it was about Gaga when I first read it but that doesn't make any sense because Gaga hasn't really "copied" Lana other than that one event above


    but anyway I can't really come up with any mainstream artist that has a smiliar/same style as LDR right now?? so who is she talking about

  7. It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. 




    It's a lot more likely she's talking about someone else (I think....) but lol @ the amount of artists you could use as a reply to this

  8. oh.....


    I was going to buy this if this interview was from like 2011 or something bc this betch can't keep track of her lies for that long but since it's from 2014...lol @ how convenient this little reveal is. Bringing up that she was a former cult member right during her promotion for UV & she knows ppl will wonder about that "ur my cult leader" lyric so she made up some fanfiction.


    slaY me princess. when will ur faves etc 



    also i forget where I heard this, but there are pictures of a bunch of naked girls in this guy's apartment on some dude's blog. Lana used to work or be with him or something, but she wasn't in any of the pictures



    Lana worked for Terry Richardson?? :eek:

  9. Honestly this fanbase can be so embarrassing. I know we take pride in Lana sorta science (except more like science fiction) background, but this assumption that she's simply "too deep and complicated for every journalist she's ever encountered so how could they possibly get her" is just silly. She's not a hardline feminist, cool. You do you, and frankly I'm not going to stop listening to her for it, despite feeling very passionately about it myself.



    She did this headline to herself. There was a more evenhanded way to approach it and she knows it. She was trying to sound tragic and inward, and I guess she did, but she also sounded super ignorant too. Of course you, as a rich white popstar in 2014, are unmoved by feminism. But something tells me if she actually had to live Marilyn's life, she'd want some more of it. All it says to me is that she's looking at it from an extremely selfish point of view. "I don't feel like I need feminsm because I feel free" is all good and well when you are apart of one of the most free demographics in the world. She says "let's talk about science" but how many girls (especially non-white and non-western girls) are shut out and pushed away from being interested in science? There are lots of feminists talking about that. That's intersectionality, Lizzy.


    And attempting to drag people for thinking she sounds dumb juts makes you sound x2 worse tbh. "I bet you didn't know about feminism before tumblr" isn't even a fucking insult. I've personally been a feminist for a long time, but god forbid people actually learn about something useful on the fucking internet.

    lmao yes finish them. But I mean I honestly wouldn't take any of these ppl seriously since they're all 14/15+ yr old white males so their ignorance and lack of interest really isn't surprising. 
    We're all just crazy SJWs TBH!! Queen Lana can do no wrong <33
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