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Everything posted by Blythe

  1. there is no doubt that slut shaming was not her intention, but it's important that she gets called out on this shit - mainly so women in general stop calling other fucking women whores? where do you think that comes from? what kind of message do you think that perpetuates? if i call someone the N word but i'm not, you know, really meaning to use that word in the context of its history, does this somehow mean it's cool? no. for someone like lana, who has dramatized herself as a stripper, alluded to several sexual obsessions, has lyrics like "i was an angel looking to get fucked hard" and preaches this idea of ultimate freedom for women, you think she would be a little more wise and have a little more understanding about the history of that word and what kind of message it sends. it reminds me of childish brats in high school calling other girls whores and sluts. it was "harmless" name calling but it got a pretty strong idea across. and women's sexuality is still a HUGE issue, so like.... why so many people here seem to want to excuse this is kinda beyond me. i get that you love lana, i do, too, but that doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye to bullshit.
  2. What did I expect? I expected an at least semi-creative way of shutting someone down, without having to resort to slut shaming. Can't she come up with a better way to "diss" someone without degrading them to a term used to humiliate, shame and dehumanize women for liking, wanting & enjoying fucking like men?
  3. Nah, women calling other women whores as an insult is absolutely ridiculous - especially when Lana gives some half-assed response about her idea of femimism being ~a woman being able to be completely free~.
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