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Tropico Angel

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Posts posted by Tropico Angel

  1. 4 hours ago, Party Favor said:

    discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll. thank god every day i have the ability to consume media and make my own choices on what it is and represents to me without shitting my pants and cancelling it on twitter to my 10 followers. like, a majority of the problems regarding media (books, songs, etc) would be solved if people went 'hmm.....i don't like this!' and carried on with their day. of course there's nuance to this, but the internet fucked that up as well and is a topic for a different day. 


    this isn't pointed at any member on here btw lol, i understand why people don't like the song. i actually don't like the song that much either lmao! i'm just bored and wanted to add to the discourse xoxo

    Just to add to the discourse, I’m sure nobody even really cares that much about the lyrics of Girls. I guess we all just acknowledge that the lyrics are a bit cringe and problematic (I don’t even want to say problematic because that’s too strong of a word) because Marina pointed about how shocked she is that she wrote a song like that. We all just took it as silly and camp but since she’s on this LA influencer journey, she made a big thing out of nothing



    In general, I don’t think the discourse around getting rid of things you don’t like is necessarily bad since unfortunately a lot of people can’t look away and move on whether it be because they’re mentally ill or they’re young and don’t realise the impact of what they’re seeing. Does it go overboard? Absolutely yes but I’d rather the internet and the world in general be more sterile than have it be what it was like 10-20 years ago. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for people to be more sensitive even if it does get annoying A LOT of the time. I’d prefer overly sensitive than what past generations were like. Just my two cents :slayty:


  2. I've only just bothered reading the acknowledgements page and it says "If you follow me on instagram, you thought this book was going to be written in emojis, didn't you? 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    She makes me smile. Love her ❤️ 

  3. 2 hours ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    My thinking is that drug or alcohol abuse did something really bad to her & has put her in this long term/permanent altered mental state which is why she was given a conservatorship, which her family&team instead used as an opportunity to milk her for more money, abuse her etc rather than actually take care of her ???

    She has said she never had a drinking problem and the only drug she liked to take back in 2007 was ADHD medication (she was randomly drug tested a lot back then and every one came back negative). Pretty tame compared to the rest of Hollywood.

    She was put into a conservatorship by the vultures around her taking advantage of her suffering from postnatal depression and general life stressors that had been building since her childhood.


    15 minutes ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    Imean I’m pretty much just basing it off the somewhat unhinged sounding/looking posts that she makes on social media which to me indicate someone who has some type of impairment, and given that she was placed under a conservatorship, there must have been significant reason to do so i.e.

    Not a single thing she has ever done (then or now) has warranted a conservatorship. They actually tried to say she had dementia too to keep it going in the beginning 💀 There’s a whole rabbit hole you could go down regarding the medical malpractice in the court case. It’s genuinely shocking. Plus, if she was that impaired, why did they let her perform like 100ft in the air over open flames and all the other stuff they made her do in later years? I think it’s important to stress that this conservatorship has NEVER been necessary.


    I hope this didn’t come off as aggressive. I just feel very passionate about it so I’ve just thrown a wall of text at u

  4. Crossroads in the cinema was AMAZING. So happy that my first watch was on the big screen surrounded by other Britney fans singing along.


    She was so good in the film. How can one person be so beautiful and sweet and talented:defeated:

  5. 7 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    very convenient that her book only slanders her family / other celeb scapegoats instead of anyone in her management team that still profits + controls her narrative!!! She wanted those people in jail!! #justiceforbritney 

    To be fair, her lawyer has told us that she can’t comment on it yet because they’re still in the middle of a court battle. It’s a known thing that you shouldn’t comment on a case while it’s still in progress.

    Also, until it’s sorted in court, I seriously doubt the publishing house would take the risk of being sued by the other powerful parties involved so it does make sense

  6. 1 hour ago, Meat Candle said:

    Did the book actually L-word somewhere or did people just make that up

    Yeah. Some book stores in Brazil(?) put it out early and people bought them and shared it online. B’s team caught wind of it and got it off the shelves pretty quick but it’s already out there now :/

  7. 1 hour ago, evalionisameme said:

    I must admit I do find it a bit strange that she wouldn’t telephone in for any of her interviews- I mean- does everything have to be emailed across?

    Apparently, it’s not uncommon for celebs to do interviews like this via email.

    I can see why she’d prefer email because she’d have more time to choose the right words and get her point across in a way that can’t be misconstrued as opposed to being put on the spot in a phone call. Plus, this is such a hard and raw topic - she probably didn’t want to get emotional in front of the interviewer. I think email was a smart choice from her

  8. 4 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    There’s also these posts allegedly from her sons but they already been implicated in a lot of KFeds schemes so I’m not sure how true they are


    Even if the messages do turn out to be real, they don't prove anything, especially since we know her sons exaggerate and lie about her. Remember when the boys made out that Brit was treating them so horrifically because she told them off for being rude and wouldn't allow them to go barefoot into an ice cream shop? They got laughed at by everyone on the Internet as they should've been.


    Kevin, her family and the rest of team con have raised those boys to be completely out of touch and disrespectful. I hope they get some sense knocked into them fast for Britney's sake but I'm not going to hold my breath

  9. To be fair, it’s not like they haven’t used OLD pics of Britney before. The cover of Pretty Girls is a composite from her 1999 Rolling Stones photoshoot. Britney has told is that she is sick of photoshoots and having her picture taken so it makes sense that she’d choose an old one that she feels beautiful in. I’d also prefer a newer pic but it’s her choice.


    As for no live performances, promo, etc…, she’s said a million times that she’s done with the industry so why would she? Making the music and being creative is the fun part so I don’t blame her for only doing that. She’s told us how live performances can be draining and how promo like interviews stress her out and how interviewers have treated her badly. I guess she just wants to engage in the fun part of the industry while using her name to pick up the slack in the more taxing parts of music releases.

    I don’t think it matters when she recorded the vocals as long as she has signed off on them which I believe she has. That’s just my opinion anyways

  10. This is infinitely better


    This song does have potential to be a cute little summer jam. I think they needed to pad out the instrumental and calm down with the vocal effects. I can see it being big on tiktok and insta but who knows. Hopefully we'll get some good remixes

  11. I don't like it :( It's way too Myah heavy and repetitive. I know that Will has always sung her praises and been kind to her but the work they produce together is terrible more often than not. His sound and style is so dated imo. Why didn't she take Padam when she had the chance :cryney:

  12. 2 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    Condescending much? First of all, we were talking about Hold Me Closer & you just switched to “credible evidence and court documents” about what?


    5 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

     everything that isn’t “she’s fine and free shut up everyone” is a conspiracy apparently…. 

    I was specifically referencing this statement when bringing up court documents, i.e. we know she's "fine and free" because of her court documents. Also, the primary sources are elton and the producer confirming her recording hold me closer in july.


    It wasnt my intention to come off as condescending or make you feel that I think you're stupid so I am sorry for the wording. Admittedly my patience does wear thin when these conspiracies are brought up when there is credible evidence to disprove them AND Britney herself has told us how much they upset her.


    Yeah anyways let's just move on and continue to be excited for her book. I hope we get an audio version of her reading it but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that. Didn't Mariah or someone do that for their book? I guess it's not ENTIRELY out of the realm of possibility - just very very unlikely :krylie:

  13. 1 hour ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    Everything that isn’t “she’s fine and free shut up everyone” is a conspiracy apparently…. I’m sorry but i do not believe it. Everything is hearsay anyways. It’s just all sketchy and weird. 

    Well to be fair only one side is using credible evidence like primary sources and court documents to come to their conclusions while the other side is using things like remini glitches, twisted truths and bad vibes :awkney2: 


    Hopefully the book will clear up a lot of the conflicting opinions and theories in the barmy. At the end of the day, we all want the best for B and there are no bad intentions on either side (of actual fans that is)

  14. 4 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    she does but the vocals were recorded YEARS before it was released 

    That’s actually just a conspiracy theory. Elton and the producer said they reached out to her in 2022 to see if she wanted to record it. They said in their interviews that they were unsure if she’d say yes since she just left the conservatorship and said she didn’t want to be in the industry anymore. The producer said she jumped at the opportunity and recorded her part in July

  15. 8 hours ago, Coney Island King said:

    That corny ass book title though?

    I think it’s perfect. The song is all about becoming more independent and finding her identity as she moves into a new stage in her life.

    Certain lyrics are especially significant to the conservatorship like there is no need to “protect” me, don’t tell me to shut my eyes, don’t tell me what to believe, etc…

    And there lyrics relevant to her situation now of finding her freedom and the trials and tribulations that come with that like all I need is time, this girl will always find her way, I’m just trying to find the woman in me, etc…


    She’s a genius

  16. Omg it’s gonna be available as an audio book too. Love the title, love the cover - I can’t wait :hype:


    Edit - the audiobook isn’t showing up my Amazon but it is on others?? Idc I’m so excited 

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