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About Cuntrol

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  • Pronouns
    Slut, whore, cunt, anything degregating.
  • Fan Since
    The night I watched through the blinds when your parents conceived you. It was beautiful.

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  1. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Those bitches just need to pick their like 5-6 favorite collabs they haven't even teased and do a split credit EP. 😭 They write together so often (Tove seemingly owns in Palm Springs, and goes there for writing sessions (no wonder HEAT was so sublimely gay lol), which Charli also is there usually at the same time, since COVID) and are so prolific, there's no fucking way there isn't at least an album or two of songs... Vroom Vroom EP was such a cultural shift, she could do that shit again several times over I bet. Also justice for Make U Mine lol (the next Party 4 U, calling it now). *Oh also whoever said no Carly features, someone else said Hello lacked a remix, PERFECT COUPLING 😭. If it gets the rework treatment songs like B2B, CC, EiR, etc got, not just an extra bar like the Kesha remix, which I was hella disappointed because I thought original SB was kinda boring/definitely didn't warrant the hype y'all gave it... (Lucy Liu all over again 🀣) ** Sorry I was super stoned last time I replied and I'm repeating shit I already said before to some extent. Curious @AtomicMess what did you mean for the rest of that % because I might be stupid and loud and mentally ill, but I'm not stupid enough to not change my opinion with counter points and reflection. Respectfully. You a real one
  2. Cuntrol

    Kim Petras

    I know most of y'all only drag her cuz it's trendy or w/e and don't even follow her, but damn. Not that any of the haters would act like they were in the wrong (despite the absolutely heinous shit y'all say) and she was also abused or trapped by that POS Luke. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP88G3QQh/ Yeah, she did defend him post-Kesha, that's bad, but what the fuck do y'all think other abuse victims do. Not instantly switch against the grooming and rally against the predator, is the answer. It's like none of y'all ever seen an SVU episode and it shows πŸ’…. And she got picked up from being a nobody. I can't imagine the fear she has of her career and dream being decimated just because she did what's right. Who would do that? None of you bitches, I promise you that.
  3. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Fr, I haven't met a single person who is a fan of him or could even name one song of his πŸ’€. Like he's most famous for showing up to Congress for fent hearings and everyone was like 'who the f*** is this' lol Also, NGL, the Spring Breakers remix is a major let down for me. I never got the hype for it initially, same as Lucy Liu, they're just basic and boring compared to the rest of the shit she's released. Hell, Taxi is still more complex... And I had hope the Kesha remix would be a rework like most of the other "remixes" are. But nah, it's like the 360 one which absolutely wasted a legendary Robyn feature opportunity... Honestly I feel like LB inflating the hype of SB is probably largely to blame too πŸ€£πŸ’€
  4. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    The fact that she's going to release another remix album variant, with the extra song remixes/reworks (Spring Breakers w/ Kesha are you serioussss 😭🀯 PLEASE be a full rework too), girl... YES. She is the ultimate troll, Taylor did her dirty (cuz Taylor literally hates other female artists lol) with her boring ass Poet album being released a new way every time it dropped off the charts, specifically to fuck over Charli, and then Charli coming back and doing the same πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€. Mother is mothering hard Oh also, I totally thought this would be pure a remix album due to the singles (Von Dutch aside actually), but GOD DAMN. A full ass rework, production and lyrics of like, most the songs?! HER MIND. It's soooo much better than I expected. Also I appreciate the new release having both the remix/rework songs and the originals. (At least on the stream service I use, but I keep them separate in my library.) The song I disliked the most (ITAIATT, duh), with Bon Iver?!? And it's soooo beautiful and not as depressing 😭. Literally my only note/take is I think Caroline should have been on the Jon Hopkins remix, and RosalΓ­a should have been on Everything Is Romantic.
  5. Cuntrol


    YESSSS. 😭 They're so good. That's why I need more. 🫦 No but fr they're my favorite other than My Forever and the HD track. Obviously. πŸ’… Shortened/cut reply because I can't like this comment due to being blacklisted I think. But yeah, like.
  6. Cuntrol

    LIZ Y2K

    Ngl, I know she's (or was, deemed by a few Twitter likes and follows (the Ben Shapiro one legit hurt, LOL) and maybe IG posts I can't remember) problematic but tbh she had direct familial reasons to support the two considered negative things she does/did. (Cops & Israel) But she is an AMAZING singer, especially her RnB-pop era, like, literally find me who did it better. She's entitled to her (wrong) opinions, but stop being such SJWs about things you (unlike her) aren't literally directly involved with. Respectfully. Just the judgement is sooooo extra, at least she isn't dating a yt supremacist, unlike Doja πŸ’€ (plus the Dr. Puke thing)
  7. Cuntrol


    I stg I'm starving for new music 😭. Even though she set an impossibly high bar with the last album, but like is there any update on her next project?
  8. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    ^that Blue whatever album he has actually slaps Unrelated but god damn I remember when this thread was barely over 3k replies πŸ’€. Fuck yeah Also I SWEAR TO GOD IF THERE ISN'T A REMIX ALBUM. (Idk how they won't be, she needs to fuck over Taylor back, ughhh)
  9. Cuntrol


    This is genius and tysm YES. So real. I hated the mixing for Reason Why initially, grew on me hard, same thing for My Forever because I loved how punchy the demo was. It also really matters how you listen, my car audio is shit for this album compared to any headphones. But j have decent car speakers, just not ideal for this album for whatever reason. *Well, it's the bass, it's so like... Muffled... On said speakers. Very different mixing from OOEPUI which was so crisp. I kinda stand by that, but Benny's mixing does build in clarity and honestly always ends up banging *Also not hating on his finished work. For all I know SOPHIE was planning to experiment with new ways to mix her releases, he'd know if anyone lol.
  10. Cuntrol

    FKA twigs

    Um WHAT do you mean literally or like, a tracklist and demos? I'm lazy sorry. Also not asking for links Also justice for Echo Park 😭
  11. Cuntrol


    Seriously? πŸ’€ I LOVED OOEPUI and the remix album especially. Doesn't make Plunging any less skippable doll
  12. Cuntrol


    Girl at this point Sophie has almost released more BC Kingdom songs than BC Kingdom has πŸ’€. (Also love the new ones/Liz on them, but justice for Reverse N Stop 😭 and sunscreen ofc but I get why it was omitted)
  13. Cuntrol

    Katy Perry

    This album... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Literally worst reviewed album of the year already πŸ’€. For good reason.
  14. Cuntrol


    Not as far as I've noticed. Other than that abortion that is Plunging, or the masterpiece of My Forever or Love Me, the rest is mostly new
  15. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Fr, it's crazy how Mura Masa went from that, to literally winning a Grammy for a remix of HAIM, to the releasing his boring ass new album that sounds like it's 20+ years old 😭😭😭. Girl what Some body snatcher type shit
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